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Fao Sarahloveland

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ok..i can take a hint....balls to you all..i will keep my crisps and eat them all myself

evening sarah ,what flavour you got :D

and i love the new sig pic (w00t)
ive come over all emotional,just been talking to my little nephew on facebook ,he is only 8 havent seen him for 6 years :(
Aw thats sad, but nice you can have some contact :D



Evening All...I'm bloody knackered -_- -_-
oh i cant sleep :blink: flynn thinks its feeding time cos i am up :wacko: stood next to me here waiting for his scran
Bloody hell Sarah look at the time you were on here

and where were you when i could have done with someone to yak too??!! just was wide awake..couldnt get back to kip so i cleaned up...might as well put myself to some use :p
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just made a cup of that redbush splosh :x oh why does everything thats good for you taste like crap?
Morning Sarah!

Hope all of you have a good day.

Beautiful morning here, sunny hot and er..dry.
morning daddy mac!! lovely here too so far....good job cos i have a mound of washing to dry :wacko:
hello to everyone in here,hope your all keeping well :D
Morning All :huggles:


I'm going to the Zoooooooooooooooooooooooooo :D :D :D :D :D

what is it with me and ebay?? i paid for the came straight out of my account last week and still not here....
morning folks :D


sarah...e-mail the seller, find out when they posted it :luck:



i have lost 4lb....wooo hooooo.............hopefully by the time i go on holiday i will look okish in my bikini :unsure:


off to have coffee and a chat with some girls from school......byeee for now xxx
Morning peoples :D

Sarah hope you don't feel to knackered later, bloody helly 3ish in the morning and tidying up (w00t)

Have a nice time at the zoo clair

Morning David nice to see they've changed the bed at last :lol:

morning trac

hely enjoy your coffee and girly chat

and hello to anyone i have missed
flynn has just ate a teabag :blink: well done on weight loss bird :thumbsup: did email the seller..says it will be here before weekend.....and as for cleaning could have called it fannying around with a duster then sitting down to watch telly :teehee:
hellooooo, had a good time with the mums from school...didnt know a few of them, but i do now :D



could kill a huge piece of yummy choccie cake :blink:


bored now...gotta go up to school at 2.50 to see betsys work :)) ...went to see bills yesterday :))













i have had 9 cups of coffee today....IM BUZZING......pmsl...woop woop................... (w00t) (w00t)
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