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Fao Sarahloveland

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morning from sunny wales (yes cant believe the sun is shining here!) hey kel 1 more day :D

juney you will love it here,dogs going swimming later ,fudge is in love with mo :wub:
morning me dears :) ooh will have to watch it sarah several times of course in case i miss anything :b


glad the weather is being good for ya trac :D one more day my a**e :p


took the hounds over the playing field today havent been for a while and my poor baby isla was pinned up against a tree by 2 gsd's god i have never heard a puppy scream so loud all this while the dozy owner was on his phone :angry: told him exactly what i thought of him :-

anyway all recovered now stopped in pets at home for a nice big pigs ear so now they are curled up stuffing their faces :wub:



hope whatever you are all up to today its a good one x :huggles:
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oh its beautiful here..just been down poole park with kids and dogs.....if i hear "ooh you got yer hands full!" once more..grrrrrrr...anyhoo..stopped off in chippy on the way back to feed the troops and now i am having a glass of wine :D
Good thanks Sarah


But my 4 day break is over :(


Enjoy your Monday
morning me dears :) ooh will have to watch it sarah several times of course in case i miss anything :b  

glad the weather is being good for ya trac :D one more day my a**e :p


took the hounds over the playing field today havent been for a while and my poor baby isla was pinned up against a tree by 2 gsd's god i have never heard a puppy scream so loud all this while the dozy owner was on his phone :angry: told him exactly what i thought of him :-

anyway all recovered now stopped in pets at home for a nice big pigs ear so now they are curled up stuffing their faces :wub:



hope whatever you are all up to today its a good one x :huggles:
if you like russell brand then this film is for you..cos he is in various degrees of undress kelly!!!! give me ned flanders anyday..grrrrrrr...amen to the flanders :p
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morning me dears :) ooh will have to watch it sarah several times of course in case i miss anything :b  

glad the weather is being good for ya trac :D one more day my a**e :p


took the hounds over the playing field today havent been for a while and my poor baby isla was pinned up against a tree by 2 gsd's god i have never heard a puppy scream so loud all this while the dozy owner was on his phone :angry: told him exactly what i thought of him :-

anyway all recovered now stopped in pets at home for a nice big pigs ear so now they are curled up stuffing their faces :wub:



hope whatever you are all up to today its a good one x :huggles:
if you like russell brand then this film is for you..cos he is in various degrees of undress kelly!!!! give me ned flanders anyday..grrrrrrr...amen to the flanders :p
best i get to the vid shop laters :b you can keep ned ill have russell any day :lol:


send the twat my way that tells you you have your hands full with 7 because the complete imbecile i met today couldnt control 2 :angry: i bet your lot are well behaved i would rather meet your guys than the dick of a man i met today :angry:
afternoon,had a lovely couple of hours in the sun walking on the beach and having a nice cold shandy in the beer garden,hope everyone has had a good day :D

kel glad Isla is ok ,there are certainly some idiots out there ,7 hrs 55 mins kel :-
afternoon,had a lovely couple of hours in the sun walking on the beach and having a nice cold shandy in the beer garden,hope everyone has had a good day :D
kel glad Isla is ok ,there are certainly some idiots out there ,7 hrs 55 mins kel :-
glad your having a lovely time wench :p isla is ok it just annoys me certainly some twats about :wacko:


and give up! i feel old enough already :lol:


enjoy the rest of your hol xx
morning!! hey kel..happy birthday luvver!! whats yer plan today?? enjoy whatever they are! :*

raining here...after the gorgeous day we had yesterday...
morning all ,Kelly HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D have a great day hun
Good morning to all you lovely FAO ers :huggles:


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kelly :huggles: Enjoy your day hunni :) What's another year :D :lol:
Helloooooooo :D


had a lovely day at the coast yesterday...the weather was beautiful..........lots of people having picnics so had to have gypsy on the lead quite a lot...didnt want a replay of last year when she raided a picnic and ate a scotch egg :b


will stick some pics on later :thumbsup:



Kelly has asked me to tell you that her laptop is out of order thanks to a certain little wild pup......but she says thanks for her birthday wishes and she will be back soon :thumbsup:
just been up to see doc cos suffering real bad with my back again..all i wanted was a prescription of jollop to take but nooooooooooo....she says to me" how is the swimming going?" I am like :blink: ..then it dawns on me..doc told me last time to do more exercise to help mobility in my back so obviously i told a porky pig and said i was going swimming...think she gathered by my face i was lying.....i said "cant i just take pills to help cos you did say i can take up to 8 paracetamol a day and it wont harm me :D " and she replied" that exercise will be more beneficial to me" you can imagine my face cant you? so sarah has to go swimming now :angry: i hate swimming..spesh in school full of spotty faced teenagers and little kids...
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its a really dank day today here...real miserable.....i said to the kids about a walk and they just told me to "jog on"..... charming...
aww sarah im sorry your back is playing up :( off you go to the swimming pool :p


its lovely here again :p
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