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Fao Sarahloveland

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Well She had said if they are well and strong enough then 6weeks but if not it will be 8 so im prob presuming too much lol

I dont really understand about dog history as ive never had a ped whippet before the dog i had before getting pregnant was a Lhasa Apso all my other dogs have either been mongrels or at parents when they used to have Jack Russels.

So other than mother and father Can both be seen and are both full whippets i dont know alot else :( i just want Pet not for racing or showing.
it really is a great time Sarah just knowing im soon going to have a new puppy running round is great
Well She had said if they are well and strong enough then 6weeks but if not it will be 8 so im prob presuming too much lol
I dont really understand about dog history as ive never had a ped whippet before the dog i had before getting pregnant was a Lhasa Apso all my other dogs have either been mongrels or at parents when they used to have Jack Russels.

So other than mother and father Can both be seen and are both full whippets i dont know alot else :( i just want Pet not for racing or showing.
Thats cool then, by history I mean you'll know every move the pup makes from birth to the day it moves in with you - so wonderful to have a good relationship with the breeder and to have lots of pics of its first 2 months - you're very lucky :D
Helloooooooooooooooooo, just i thought i'd come in and nighty night :lol:

won't get much sleep oooooooooooooooo so exciting sarah no doubt you will be up all night :lol:
Helloooooooooooooooooo, just i thought i'd come in and nighty night :lol: won't get much sleep oooooooooooooooo so exciting sarah no doubt you will be up all night :lol:
Goodnight Debbie - hope all goes well tomorrow...don't forget your drill..have a lovely day :D
Such a Air head!!!!!!! Yes since i found her and been accepted onto the top of the waiting list we have kept intouch on here and she has also rang me and said i can call on her anytime and once pup is born and at home with me she is at the other enf of the phone and if needed will take the dog back at any stage of its life which is really good to know.

Its going to be fab getting to see pups from start till i bring it home and im going to visit once they are up to see people so i can meet them all which will be fab.
coooieeeeeeeeeeeee deb!!! i am like bouncing tigger here!!! i cant wait..honestly hunny..i am sooo excited..i am like a kid at crimbo :D
Helloooooooooooooooooo, just i thought i'd come in and nighty night :lol: won't get much sleep oooooooooooooooo so exciting sarah no doubt you will be up all night :lol:
Goodnight Debbie - hope all goes well tomorrow...don't forget your drill..have a lovely day :D
oh yeah thanks clair completely forgot about that getting carried away with slip coming, don't worry sarah you will ave your mirror up :lol:
hello kirs!!! i hope you are not trawling through all this crap from page one!!! will take you a lifetime :wacko:
you should see just how handsome flynn looks will see a change in them since last time...he truly is is her ladyship..she gets more beautiful every day :wub:
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