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Fao Sarahloveland

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afternoon people hope all is well :)


trac get yourself to the doctors :angry:


sarah have a fab weekend painting and dont forget pics :D


and to everyone else that ventures in i hope you all have a fantastic weekend i know i will as its my weekend off after a month of working every weekend i cant wait :) :huggles: :huggles:
Hello girls and david :) god still havnt got the internet back so while i am at the libary today i thought id use the computer, well best give an update lol. All the dogs are fine, fizz is turning out a fine dog ill have to share some pics soon. Alfie had a bad fall the other night and has took a wack out of his front leg but the no pain freak is fine he dosnt seem to feel much pain :wacko: (when i seen it i was even i felt the pain for him) but its getting better each day and it hasnt stopped him from his usual walks and he's still him self. As for me same old lol But its my biorthday in two weeks so cant wait for that its fancy dress so any ideas are well come.

Miss you all loads hope your all well, and emma take it easy with your leg.

:* :* :*
right!!! here starts OPERATION DECORATE LOUNGE....been to b&q, bought for one wall the crown suede effect paint in plum suede..couldnt decide between that or the chocolate so i done a"ip dit bird's s**t you sat in it" a tried and trusted method that has got me through many a major decision in my life.a lovely soft cream for the other 3 walls..oh sarah is gonna be a busy bee this weekend :p any offers of help will be greatly received..not mentioning any names 


MMMMMMMMMMMMM how did i know i would be at the end of this conversation :p


sounds a lovely colour scheme, i do like plums and reds in a lounge but you know what this means sarah



your gonna have to get a bloody blind now :lol: :lol:
yeah i will deb cos that one has to come down..i have a mate who can get me discount on blinds
hiya courtney thought you gone and left us, make sure you look after that handsome alfie, lol,

hope you get back online soon
Hey sarah i think your being ignored luv, i am laughing so much you will know what i mean and i ain't on this thead :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
right i am off to get my friends boy from school i am using her laptop,

have fun sarah, i expect loads more when i get home soooooooooo funny :lol: :lol: :lol:
evening hope you all have had a lovely day :huggles: :huggles: ,its been a lovely sunny day but bloody freezing and windy

Thanks Juney for the lovely chat :huggles: :huggles:
Hello Trac, hope you've had a good day other than the weather, can't make up its mind what it wants to do here, the only thing we haven't had is snow yet :D
Evening to all that are here :) and to those that dont appear to be here :-

Hope you have all enjoyed your day :thumbsup:
Well hello ladies and David, and Schmicky if he's about. Had a busy day again, well I did a bit of the ironing :b Gonna do some more now though.


Nice chatting to you again Trac. Had a couple of chats with Peppermint Lady today too - she can talk for England!!
Hey sarah i think your being ignored luv, i am laughing so much you will know what i mean and i ain't on this thead :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ive twigged :thumbsup: :-
well if that was aimed at me i havent been ignoring anyone just seem to have very little time these days :(
No Kelly it wasn't - think they are talking the 'Bring me...' thread


You take care of yourself Kelly and have a great weekend :huggles:
Well hello ladies and David, and Schmicky if he's about. Had a busy day again, well I did a bit of the ironing :b Gonna do some more now though. 

Nice chatting to you again Trac. Had a couple of chats with Peppermint Lady today too - she can talk for England!!
not like us then juney :D

BT will be in melt down on sunday night ,the lines between manchester and Bath wont know whats hit them ,clair and me are going to have a quick chat :-
oh i HATE decorating :angry: that suede paint is a nightmare to use...cant use a roller have to use a brush..took me 2 hours to do one wall....and it needs another coat in 4 hours which will take round to half one in the effing morning...and i am covered in emulsion..all in my hair and i have a dotty face...oh i am knackered
lily has this really annoying habit of carrying around the dog bowls in her mouth..she keeps bringing one down then goes of to get another..then another..keep tripping up over them...oh i am in a right grumpy mood here..why did i start this...been arguing with the kids cos they helped for about half an hour then all buggered off
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