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Fao Sarahloveland

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colt's bro Gyp is in need of a forever home deb..john found out yesterday...maybe we can get this lad sorted out between us all eh?? i said to stormy to get a couple of pics of the lad on here :thumbsup:
i bought a jar of coffee yesterday and i cant find it anywhere :blink: a really expensive one as well...gawd knows where i have put it :wacko:
Blooming hell sarah, that litter hasn't had much luck by the sounds of it johns and his brothers are the only two in forever homes, what about advertising him at all the local vets and such like loads of vets round here

Hows you anyway
we both want to make sure he goes to the right home....if only i had loads of land i would take them on....but sadly i dont...fingers crossed for this boy eh?
we both want to make sure he goes to the right home....if only i had loads of land i would take them on....but sadly i dont...fingers crossed for this boy eh?
what you want is a farm god you would go mad and have hundreds of dogs :D

how are you enjoying a big spacious house :D
its great!! first thing is 2 new beds for sid and nancy to move in round there....get a door knocked through from this side straight into the old lounge...concentrate on the garden this year..get that all up to much to do but now i can get stuck into it :D
Good afternoon peeps :D I went to work this morning, only to find they weren't expecting me today :eek: My boss said "stay and have tomorrow off", but I was happy to come home. Did Asda on the way home, and just had a nice chat to Trac - gonna do some exercise on the Wii now, should be fit to drop by the time Steve comes in :lol: Hope you are all having a good day :teehee:
Well, that was the day gone then June! :lol:
You obviously know her so well David :lol: :lol: :lol:
:eek: i dont talk long on the phone ask clair :D
It never feels longer than 5 minutes.. :D
:huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
It was an absolute pleasure :huggles:
:huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
you know where the computer is at mine deb?? remember charlies old room?? well..its only studwork so i want to knock the two rooms into one and have a massive lounge!!!!!
its great!! first thing is 2 new beds for sid and nancy to move in round there....get a door knocked through from this side straight into the old lounge...concentrate on the garden this year..get that all up to much to do but now i can get stuck into it :D
have you moved sarah :unsure:

check the fridge for the coffee ;)
right i'm off out, got to pay some blooming bills :angry: they have all come in together

have a lovely afternoon and i will speak to you's later :D
its great!! first thing is 2 new beds for sid and nancy to move in round there....get a door knocked through from this side straight into the old lounge...concentrate on the garden this year..get that all up to much to do but now i can get stuck into it :D
have you moved sarah :unsure:

check the fridge for the coffee ;)

no love..just bought into next all have rooms each now!!! and in was in the freezer..along with the toothpaste :p
its great!! first thing is 2 new beds for sid and nancy to move in round there....get a door knocked through from this side straight into the old lounge...concentrate on the garden this year..get that all up to much to do but now i can get stuck into it :D
have you moved sarah :unsure:

check the fridge for the coffee ;)

no love..just bought into next all have rooms each now!!! and in was in the freezer..along with the toothpaste :p
freeze dried coffee then :-
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