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Fao Sarahloveland

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clair has just text saying Robert is home ,back to normal but they dont know what is wrong
Yup defo :D just wish i had of had the money to go over there and get my sons portrate done from her, I settled for getting his hand print instead as dont think id trust anyone else to do a really good job of it lol
just heard from the didcot babe..everything ok....she will explain to you all and she says we are all lovely!! :D
Yup defo :D just wish i had of had the money to go over there and get my sons portrate done from her, I settled for getting his hand print instead as dont think id trust anyone else to do a really good job of it lol have to be so careful with portraits...i asked my tattoo lad to do a really strong sexy warrior woman but he wasnt comfortable doing realistic tattoos so i will go with another artist..even though i am more than happy with his work on me :D
Ah right, i can understand that the lad who done my Sons Handprint isnt that good at free handing letters as i wanted my sons name and DOB so either i have to find the right size and font i want or get someone else to do it. but its nice that they say if they arnt too sure about doing certin stuff as im sure some would just do it and charge the earth lol
Ah right, i can understand that the lad who done my Sons Handprint isnt that good at free handing letters as i wanted my sons name and DOB so either i have to find the right size and font i want or get someone else to do it. but its nice that they say if they arnt too sure about doing certin stuff as im sure some would just do it and charge the earth lol

you got any tats my luvly??
slip has been stitched deb..she is doing ok...cant wait to see her at monmouth :wub:
Yeh ive got a heart with a dagger going through it with flames around it on my arm (got that when i was young and not so wise LOL) and also got Sons Handprint just above my boob, hopefully will get somemore once ive decided what lol.How about you??
i have a japanese sleeve...back tattoo..stomach tattoo...half sleeve on other arm..foot thats it!!
Wow thats cool, My uncle has quite a few tattoo's and ive always liked them but apart from Handprint ive never been sure of what else i would like so untill something reallly catches my eye ill not be getting one. Youll have to try and get some pics on ere of them.
this is another cool sig i have found for you!!

wow thats another good one thanks lol.

So where u from anyway? and how old if u dont mind me asking lol
yeh i think most people will be watching it but its no my cup of tea lol Im going to start looking at what type of collars or harnesses are best for the pup for when he can go outside for walks lol.
i am 39 and in poole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i act like a ten year old!!!!!!!!!!!
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