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Fao Sarahloveland

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haha!!!!!!!!!!!! on the fone to debbie chuffing meself at this!! she is not a happy bunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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just opened a letter from Poole high saying that Charlie is too be commended for achieving his school target in the recent end of unit tests!!! :D obviously he inherited his brains from yours truly :- i feel so chuffed..just wanted to share that with you :huggles:
Hey well done Charlie - he obviously does take after you Sarah :D
they are billiant trac, thank god mine was too smallhope David like them :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm sure yours could be enlarged Debbie? (w00t)
How would you know David ? :- :-

(w00t) (w00t)
PMSL SONIA you have a very quick response today :lol: :lol: :lol:
Some things are best rushed debbie :p while others :- are best done slowlyyyyyyyy :- :D (w00t)
What is she talking about Debbie? :huh:
Would you like me to explain david ? :lol: :-

Always happy to help !! :D
Well that's the best offer I've had today Sonia - er.....well....the only offer actually!
David i take it you have not looked at the last one trac done have a look and then tell me not to swear :D
bet your sitting in the car wetting yourself trac i hope you do and get it all over the car seat :p
bet your sitting in the car wetting yourself trac i hope you do and get it all over the car seat :p
no im laughing at what lee has just said ,he thinks you look like that peter kay charactor Geraldine Mcqueen

:oops: thats not going to help my case
afternoon.....just a quickie....spent 3 bleedin hours at the eye hospital, to find out all is well :sweating:


went into town, went to back home and my pops popped round, he has been in the usa for ages...lovely to see him :wub:


got kids from school, straight to the dentist.......popped home for something to eat for bill, and im just off to swim lessons :sweating:



im flippen knackered................only managed 1 coffee today :wacko:



so i will bid you all a hurried goodbye and speak to you all tomorrow...........(i have decided to do zilch tomorrow) :thumbsup:
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