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Fao Sarahloveland

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Hello all, what a beautiful day it has been. Summer may just be arriving early - just to arrive would be good after last year :lol:


We had a good days racing with the lovely Pat. George ran well again, and Sidney had a trial too. There was doggie cake, and human cake as it was the birthdays of a litter of 5 pups, and to celebrate one of the owners made the cakes. The dog one didn't touch the sides with most of them, and the human cake was scrummy :D Well you all know how much I like cake :D :D :D


Trac you look after yourself. You've been picking up all sorts of illnesses lately. You need to eat more cake, to help you ward off these infections ;)
tracey..get some grub down yer neck...juney is more :thumbsup: i have made us both a pot can have the chow mein i am having the sweet and sour :teehee:
Mmmm pot noodle - real healthy stuff :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Trac I wish I could come and give you a big hug my love :huggles: the distance is such a bitch at times :(
Hello gang hope you've had a lovely sunday with this lovely weather 8)

Trac sorry to here that you are ill, but june and sarah are right you need to eat more going on the photo's i have seen more fat on a chip, no wonder you get unwell, don't think eating a potnoodle as nutritious food, but sarah you have some weird eating habits love :lol:
Oh I can't bear the phone has been still and quiet all afternoon
hello sonia and sally hope you both enjoyed the lovely sunshine :D
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Good evening Sally :huggles:

Good evening Clair :huggles:

Good evening David :huggles:

Good evening Debbie :huggles:

Good evening to anyone else who comes along :huggles:


Well what a gorgeous day it's been :) Hope you've all enjoyed the sunshine ;)


Trac so sorry to hear you are not well my lovely :( you take good care of yourself :huggles:

and eat something :- :sweating:
Good evening Kelly :huggles:

Didn't see you there, sorry :p


Hows that adorable bundle of mischief today ? :- (w00t)

:wub: :wub:
Would just like to share this photo of hannah, i think its lovely she was so engrossed watch a spider on its web with a fly :D

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Would just like to share this phot of hannah, i think its lovely she was so engrossed watch a spider on its web with a fly :D
:wub: Awww thats a lovely pic Debbie :)

Hannah looks like a little o:) :lol:

Love her trousers :thumbsup:
Would just like to share this phot of hannah, i think its lovely she was so engrossed watch a spider on its web with a fly :D
:wub: Awww thats a lovely pic Debbie :)

Hannah looks like a little o:) :lol:

Love her trousers :thumbsup:
don't be decieved by the photo sonia i can assure you she can be a right little madam and she doesn't take after me :D
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