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Gold @Excuseme Pregnancy Diary

Plus even if excuseme neutered the boy at the appropriate age, neutered males can still tie with females and do themselves a nasty injury, so every time a bitch was in heat the house would have to be on lockdown. I know someone who had boy & girl unneutered chis and the boy would whine for pretty much the duration of the season. Not fun.
The girls are; 3rd picture down, and the puppy below the food tray, other one is puppy on RHS next to the railing with brown nose.

Is brown nose the one that is getting into the foreground of the other pictures too, or is that a brown nosed boy?
I have to look so carefully myself, it is the girl:rolleyes:
The puppies have found another friend! "Sprinkle" :eek::rolleyes:
RESIZED SIKA's puppies with Sprinkle 18th March 2018 001.jpg
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I have just discovered that I forgot to put the puppies new friend "Sprinkle" picture with the above post!!!!
Hi Josie,
The puppies are doing just so very well. they are eating about 3lbs of raw meats, which includes chicken wings or carcasses, each day, and a little of Millies Wolfheart for "top up" when required. They also enjoy the Natures Menu "Mighty Mixer" (another change of texture).
Both, no in fact all of the puppies are lovely ! but the girl with the most appeal is the solid golden with a brown nose. This is the one that my husband has chosen. When she is old enough she will join her mum and granny on our shooting days in the beating line. ( that will be 2 years away ).
I am waiting for some nice weather and a good sunny day to get some pictures, (I have not forgotten you).
We have sensible mature type homes for the 3 boys and loads of people wanting a girl !! It is difficult deciding who is genuine and who is not!! It is so difficult!!!!!!

Thank you for the update!

It’s good to hear how well they’re getting on :)

I bet it’s a really tough decision.
Great update :)
I hope the decision isn't too hard for picking your puppy. Its good to here them all doing well and mum too?
Best wishes xx
So cute!!

Are they docked because they're working cockers? Knowing how much spaniels wag their tails and scrabble through undergrowth, I guess it makes sense.