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Eve Has Left Us For The Bridge

Run free Little Eve. Big thanks to Lisa and gap for giving her the best chance, at least she experienced kindness and love in the end :wub: :wub:
Run free, little Eve xxxx


Such a beautiful and special little girl. Life is so unfair :'( but at least she was warm and cared for during her last days.

My heart goes out to everyone who tried to help her survive this devastating disease xx
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( I am so sorry to read this :(

Well done to all those who tried to help this little girl :wub:

R.I.P Eve, Run free xx
That is such sad news for all involved with little Eve.
She left for the bridge with a name and with the love of the Gap and the people around here and the knowledge that not all people were cruel and heartless.
I am so, so sorry to read about Eve not being able to make it and oakmoorehill - you made me cry - you said exactly what I was thinking.

Poor wee girl. But yes - she knew love, care and concern at the end of her short life. Thank you so much to Lisa and everyone involved with Eve's rescue and care - it makes me just go and cuddle my own dogs again. Thank you to everyone involved in rescue, everywhere.

So sad for her.

:( Im so sorry. How lucky was Eve to have found a loving family to be with at the end. Run free Eve. You are in our thoughts. x
So Sad. At least she spent her last days in comfort and surrounded in love.


Im so very sorry.... :'( life is just so cruel at times....

Go with Love little Eve.
I am so sorry to hear this sad news, she was lucky to have found love and care at the end. Run free beautiful Eve :huggles: