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Electra's News


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I'm posting the news because Lisa is slack. :- "

Electra gave birth to 9 puppies Monday night - 7 girls and 2 boys. Lots of colour and an nearly white puppy. All the pups are doing well. I'll nag her for some pics. :D

This is Electra's 4th litter and as usual, she whelped easily and is being a good mum. With 10 champion progeny already, I'm confident there's more to come. :thumbsup:

Congratulations.....hurry up with the pictures :lol:
Congrats Electra!!!! What a good girl.

Looking forward to pics too :p
Congratulations, Electra is a lovely girl! :cheers:

Hope we will see some pics soon! :) Who is the proud father?
Until she DNA tests, she's not positive but she does think she has puppies from both dogs used - Ch Isilwane Jolly Roger and Isilwane Snow Patrol.
hi toni, :D well done to electra on her babies, :wub: you must be thrilled and filled with anticipation as to how they will turn out, looking foreward to seeing them. hurry up with pics :- " :thumbsup:
Sorry for the delay in responding and getting the pics up -thanks to Toni for posting and yes Cartman it was "sires" and correctly listed by Toni - her son Ch Isilwane Jolly Roger and her grandson Isilwane Ice Age.

Given that in the litter that produced Isilwane Ice Age there were 4 of 6 white clown faced pups with various splatterings of colour and the father was linebred on the Rothbury lines - I have suggested that Diego must have sired at least the white girl pup you will see in the pictures. And Nugget had sired a litter that was born just before these matings took place so I would think that he also played a his part. We will do the DNA swabs at six weeks when the microchips are inserted and if the lab are true to their word would hope to have results back in 10 days but I have heard it might be closer to 4 weeks.

Electra had an all night whelping (a first for her) and despite a slow start popped them all out in 6 1/2 hours. It did take a bit out of her as we would all expect so she has been very pampered since having them.

I have to repeat what I've said in the past about Whippet pups - they are so active as soon as being born compared to my other breed Ridgebacks. These guys came out, were woken up being released from their sac and before mum could often finish cleaning them they were up and running for the milk bar. And the girl you see curled up on mum's neck was worn out from going for a walk around the whole bed just two hours after being born - I have told her she will not be allowed to stay at Isilwane with her mother or half sister Zest, I don't need another runaway hunter to stress me out (w00t)

Thanks to all for their posts we appreciate them. :thumbsup:

Lisa & Electra (and the really not bothered fathers)
Love the white one and the runaway girl :wub:
Thanks guys - Lana, the runaway has had her bag packed and has been pointed in yoiur direction, at the rate she moves, expect her by the end of the week!!!!!! The white girl wouldn't be in on that, unless she can pack mum's boobs to bring with her.

And yes Electra was tired at the end of it all - short of actually sleeping in with her I have been watching her like a hawk and only the best for her to get her feeling good again. Figure we are getting there as she show stacked and caught the left over lamb off Harley's plate tonight, never missed on ten pieces :lol:

We did a weigh in this morning and they are all coming along splendidly.

oh there so sweet look forward to seeing them grow :wub: :wub: :wub: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Group shots at 2 weeks - took forever to get them all to go to sleep in the bed, they decided if I was going to let them out of the box while I cleaned that they would all go in different directions :wacko:

Electra is now in fine form - eating more than all the Ridgebacks put together!!