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Elderly Whippet

Poor little love! He looks so sweet :wub: Glad he's got a loving home waiting for him, hope to see lots of piccys very soon. :luck:
That first photo brought tears to my eyes, and the second REALLY made me fill up, to see him so well and happy now! :wub:

Well done for taking on the lovely old boy, and good luck with him.

Thanks everyone :) I am SO impatient for Saturday when we drive up to meet him. I never was renowned for my patience with anything other than animals, but it doesn't normally bother me, but I could do with being one of those laid back type folk at the moment, as I'm doing my own head in being so fidgety!

Here are a couple of piccies of Willow posing in her new polo neck coat btw - not that she looks that impressed! :blink:


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Oh WOW!!! Love that coat, Eddie would look spiffing in that colour too!!!
Just bumping this up again. I went looking for it after reading about poor Eddie being in the wars. Words fail me over the state of poor Eddie when Colliecrew got him. To see the lovely photo's of Eddie looking happy and loved on the "Eddies been in the Wars" thread brings tears to my eyes.

Happy days Eddie, you beautiful boy :wub: :wub: :wub:

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Tesa said:
Just bumping this up again.  I went looking for it after reading about poor Eddie being in the wars.  Words fail me over the state of poor Eddie when Colliecrew got him.  To see the lovely photo's of Eddie looking happy and loved on the "Eddies been in the Wars" thread brings tears to my eyes.
Happy days Eddie, you beautiful boy :wub:   :wub:   :wub:

:cheers:   :cheers:   :cheers:   :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:

Thanks Tesa, this original thread was before I joined. What a marvellous job Colliecrew has done, and lucky lucky Eddie :wub:
:( Poor little chap how could people do such things. :rant:

Looking forward to seeing Eddie in his new home. To be loved and cared for by loveing people.

Good luck Eddie :thumbsup:
hi. Just seeen this, I can't see the pix any chance of a new one.
just realised he is the Eddie on the other thread. WOW, what a difference. He is sooooo :wub: :wub: :wub:
I didn't realise Eddie had a history on here either.

The first picture of Eddie in such a bad way brings a lump in my throat, how can people be so heartless, Ba-----ds.

Well done Colliecrew, you have given him a new life. :cheers:

May he have many more happy years ahead. :wub:
Well done Colliecrew for Giving Eddie a Loving Home :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

He Looks Gorgeous and wish you lots of Happiness with him :D

How dogs get into this state in the First Place makes me sick...he looks such a grand old lad im sure He'll be a great addition to your Family :thumbsup: :huggles:
:D[/email]laquelardriewhippetsthe satisfaction of being able to give a poor abused whippet a new life must be like having three whippets in you'r heart.

Pennymeadow Whippets said:
:luck:   :luck: to Eddie,youve certainly turned his life around.You should be proud of your-selves.                                  SUE



We had a rescue Whippet but he was 2or 3 when we got him he had been beaten and starved :rant: took ages to get him to wag his tail :( , he turned out to be a great faithfull dog and lived till he was 18, still miss him, he was very healthy though did develope diabetes in later life but we managed it :wub:

Shane :wub:

Keep him warm and give him lots of love :huggles: :wub:

What a lovely ending for Eddie :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Well done Colliecrew - lucky to have you Id say. :huggles: You deserve a medal for turning his life around. :cheers:
well done both Shane and Colliecrew

but I can only see the picture of Eddie before he got some loving care ... could you post another one of Eddie in recovery?
Aww Shane, he looked a handsome chap! :wub:

Pics of Eddie, oh yes, I think that's doable :D Thanks to all for the lovely comments, we're all very much in love with *young* Edward :wub: and every day he's with us is a bonus after what he's been through.








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Great pictures .... :cheers: ( They are just :wub: o:) :wub: o:) )
:wub: :huggles: :wub: Lovely pics of Eddie and Willow. :thumbsup: :huggles: :thumbsup: