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Edie 2yr old sproodle


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My dog is 2yrs old she is very nervous when meeting strangers how can i help her relax
Welcome :)

If she were my dog I would stop people approaching her close enough to make her nervous. Do what it takes - ask them firmly to stand back, get in between her and them, get her a harness that says 'Dog in training - please do not approach' or similar. Don't make a big thing of keeping people at bay though - you don't want her to think that you're nervous of them too!

If she's OK with someone a few feet away, you could give her treats while talking to them. You want her to realise that people coming nearish is something positive. She may gradually warm to certain people, and they could then kneel down, say something nice to her, throw her a treat and leave it at that. If you take it at her pace, she may build up the confidence to approach them - let it be her choice though.

Some dogs are always naturally shy, and this should be respected. Some may be friendly, but freak out of someone tries to cuddle them, just as you would if a new acquaintance tried to cuddle you. And most dogs don't enjoy being loomed over and having their head stroked - chest rubs are usually much more acceptable. Unfortunately a lot of people simply don't see the body language of a dog saying that they're not enjoying the attention (showing the whites of their eyes, licking lips, low ears).

Hope that helps :)
Thank you Judy as soon as i sense they are going to try and approach her i stop them as edie shoots to the end of her lead. Its a shame as she is friendly once she gets to know them. I will try with treats as you suggested.