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Eddie At The Vets Again This Evening


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Hi all,

I'm taking Ed to the vets this evening as I'm really not happy with him. His tummy seems ok now, and he's peeing and pooing, and wanted a walk this morning so I took him a very short way - which wore him out - BUT, he keeps suddenly shrieking with pain, and looking terrified - all wide eyed and stiff. He's also wobbly still, but not all over, or all the time. It's as if he is having a bit of a problem with his back legs/feet doing odd things and not going where he wants them.

He very definitely had muscle spasms in his neck during one attack yesterday, as you could see his neck *dancing*, and I felt it plainly under my hands. I tried to rub and soothe him gently but it was a good couple of minutes before it went off.

I don't know what caused the other attacks as I couldn't see or feel anything obvious, but he's had two this morning already, both quite short but obviously very distressing :(

I'm hoping he's just ricked a muscle or something during all the throwing up, and is having cramps, and he'll soon be back to normal, but he's hellishly quiet too. He's eating fine, but just seems scared to move poor lad. It's mostly after/during him lying down. He goes to move and then screams. :(

As to his bed, it is fab isn't it? (w00t) Here's an ebay link Eddie's bed and here is Jane's email addy - and tell her I sent you! :teehee:
Oh dear poor old Eddie :( , I do hope that it is nothing serious and that he is feeling better soon :luck: :huggles:
Oh Eddie, wishing you lots and lots of luck and love. Hope all goes well at the vets.......... :wub: :luck: :wub:
Hope he gets well soon, poor thing :(

good luck at the vets let us know what s happens
:'( Best of luck old chap!

Thanks for the link Anne :thumbsup: Let us know how he goes on :huggles: and don't forget to kiss his head from me :wub:
Hope Eddie gets sorted at the vets :luck: and feels better soon :huggles: :luck:

:luck: :luck: :huggles: to Eddie :huggles: :luck: :luck:
oh no,poor Eddie :'( :'( ,like Jo said on the other thread,Ed is one VERY special boy,& i too want him to live forever :wub: :huggles:

Please give him lots of hugs & kisses from me,& lots of :luck: :luck: :luck: at the vets.

It does sound as though he's got a trapped nerve,& i know how excrutiatingly painful that is,poor Eddie :(

Thanks for the link,i'm going to order an igloo :thumbsup:
awww Eddie, you are having a bad old time at the moment :(

:luck: good luck at the vets :luck:

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Lots of :huggles: to Eddie - I hope he is soon on the road to recovery poor chap - he must be feeling really rotten. Just wondered if you watched the vet programme on BBC1 about two weeks ago on a Thursday evening - there was a springer spaniel on there who had broken a bone in his neck - they opearted and fused the bone together and the spaniel is now well on the road to recovery. He was totally unable to walk though and the owners just found him in the garden unable to get up. All the best for your trip to the vet and lots of hugs and kisses to Eddie.
I hope he gets better soon. I saw his picture on one of your other posts and he is absolutely gorgeous. Hope all goes well at the vets,

Sam :huggles:
Oh poor Eddie. :( :huggles: :huggles: Wishing you and him lots of luck at the vets and a speedy recovery. :luck: :luck: :wub: :wub: :huggles: :huggles:
Poor Eddie, good luck at the Vets :luck: Lots of :huggles: :wub:
Poor Eddie. :huggles: Hope everything goes well at the Vets :luck:
Good Luck to Eddie :luck: :luck: and extra special :huggles:
fingers crossed for eddie :luck: :luck: :luck: :thumbsup: :)
Just got back and given Eddie a pill. He's to have the dreaded Rimadyl, half a tablet twice a day for a week, and very restricted exercise.

He's very tender along his back between his shoulderblades and hips, so best guess is that he did indeed wrench himself when he was being so sick. That combined with his electrolytes probably being out of whack because of the tummy problems will contribute towards cramping muscles, which as we all know are bloody painful! :(

His hips are no worse than before, with his right still a lot creakier than his left, so no change there.

The plan for now then is the tablets and rest for 7 days, then review him. If he's no better or gets worse then it's time for blood tests and x-rays. If he improves but isn't healed then it's more tablets for a while.

So now I'm just crossing my fingers that he's ok with the Rimadyl! :unsure:

I have to report Eddie was delighted with Peter's prescription as it meant more chicken to have his tablet in - and he's back to normal in that regard as he's loving his food!

Thanks all for the thoughts again, as always it helps you feel that it's not just you alone worrying and waiting! :cheers: :thumbsup: