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Eating fallen leaves?

Diesel's Dad

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any idea how I can discourage Diesel from eating dead leaves?

He’s like a bleeding hoover!

I’m checking his mouth now every time he’s been outside.

On the plus side patio is nice and tidy!

Are you sure it's just the leaves he's eating? Visiting cats leave their calling cards in our leaf piles and our dog has a great appetite for these dainty morsels and grabs mouthfuls of leaves containing them! Revolting animal that she is!!
Nope. Deffo no cat mess.

Don’t think the leaves alone would be harmful in small amounts but I’m worried he might also be hoovering slugs.

His last poop was almost solid vegetation!
If it's any consolation, my dog used to hoover up acorns (supposedly toxic to dogs), and rotten windfall apples and came to no apparent harm. Sometimes his poo smelt of apple crumble! It's common for dogs to eat grass, too, and in spring when it's nice and juicy there will be a lot of grass in his poo.

I'm not up on lungworm prevention as I use a different approach (have his poos screened every few months for parasites), but of course it would make sense to use whatever method is appropriate for his age.
Thanks Judy, he has his second jabs due in 2 weeks so I’ll ask the vet then.

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