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I really thought it was Stacey.s buddy from hospital. A right phyco . Shame about poor Braddas ..
disappointing end i thought to the whole saga :blink:
Why did Max stick his fingers down his throat, was it an attempt to make himself sick and he got caught out by the camera?

Why did Max stick his fingers down his throat, was it an attempt to make himself sick and he got caught out by the camera?
Yes jenny i seen that :lol: me and my son said the same thing :x
Poor Bradders.....a proper Bloodnut at the end.......
Do we get a prize if we're right? :teehee: :teehee:


Bet you want to play nice now Juley. :lol:
Well, having sat through 5 mins of the C' rap, I think it is Janine or Stacey? ( the one who married bradley). They all seem to have aged somewhat too!!!!!! Choccys to me soon then...................................yummy, I think I should win for effort.
Well I didn't watch the rubbish er programme I mean. I therefore think I made an inspired guess, not hard really, Eastenders always was predictable. Yummy, I shall look forward to being fed chocolate at the next show. (w00t) :teehee:
we recorded it as were were eating dinner......when we watched it the didgy box turned of when Braddas was on the roof.....oohhh how i to watch the ending on the laptop... :wacko:
Do we get a prize if we're right? :teehee: :teehee:


Bet you want to play nice now Juley. :lol:
Well, having sat through 5 mins of the C' rap, I think it is Janine or Stacey? ( the one who married bradley). They all seem to have aged somewhat too!!!!!! Choccys to me soon then...................................yummy, I think I should win for effort.
Well I didn't watch the rubbish er programme I mean. I therefore think I made an inspired guess, not hard really, Eastenders always was predictable. Yummy, I shall look forward to being fed chocolate at the next show. (w00t) :teehee:

OK Juley WINS (even tho she didn't play nicely :lol: )

You will get your Choc's at the next show. :thumbsup:

Disappionted with the ending to. Poor Bradley. oh well thats that over with.
lets hope someone else gets murdered soon :-
just watched the omnibus edition and must admit im disappointed with it. I just got annoyed with Brad and Stacey running.
Do we get a prize if we're right? :teehee: :teehee:


Bet you want to play nice now Juley. :lol:
Well, having sat through 5 mins of the C' rap, I think it is Janine or Stacey? ( the one who married bradley). They all seem to have aged somewhat too!!!!!! Choccys to me soon then...................................yummy, I think I should win for effort.
Well I didn't watch the rubbish er programme I mean. I therefore think I made an inspired guess, not hard really, Eastenders always was predictable. Yummy, I shall look forward to being fed chocolate at the next show. (w00t) :teehee:

OK Juley WINS (even tho she didn't play nicely :lol: )

You will get your Choc's at the next show. :thumbsup:

Disappionted with the ending to. Poor Bradley. oh well thats that over with.

Oooooh YUMMY, as I won them, they won't have any calories in them. I'm not sharing either....................NERRRRR. LOL
I demand a re-count, I don't think Stacey really did it, I think she thinks she did it but she didn't really and there will now be a convoluted story running until we find out that it was really Ronnie. To this end I don't think Juley should open those chocolates, well not until she is at a show I am at, and then we ought to have another think.

I demand a re-count, I don't think Stacey really did it, I think she thinks she did it but she didn't really and there will now be a convoluted story running until we find out that it was really Ronnie. To this end I don't think Juley should open those chocolates, well not until she is at a show I am at, and then we ought to have another think.

but i read what happens today in the news of the world ............... shall i tell :-