:cheers: well done north east dogs, Donna Gary and maureen with jorja fox, jeff with lets go crazy and connor with bud,the track looks very good we will be going next year for sure,
Brilliant track, lunch provided and even free programmes! who could possibly ask for more?-pity there weren't more there though-23 dogs only but thats the way it goes I guess.
yet again two opens on the same day, result, poor tunnout at both. Carol, Chris said in the Whippet News that she was open to new ideas from all racers, that could be introduced that would end the continuing saga of to many opens being run over the year. so we can do something about it. Chris Horsenel has already gave his points in last months W.N. We all need to think what is best for our sport for the future, as it cannot continue as it is now.
My thoughts are the Top Ten should be run over TEN OPENS split between the regions. These should also be in different handicaps. 1/2 yd, 2 ft, 1yd ld. this would give all dogs in all weights and regins a fair chance. it would also mean winning an open would be special and well earned.
These opens would also need to be spaced out over the year so bitches seasons were taken into acount.
Lastly all four championships and the two derbys should count towards the Top Ten
this would give 16 weekends of top class open racing which allowing for the winter break means that every two weeks we would still be open racing.
Surely this would mean better turnouts and better racing with no solo racing.
Thats my views which Will be sent to W.N. lets here everyones pionts as without a total agreement by the menbers we will continune to kill the sport we all say we love.
Lastly this would mean a fall in W.N adverts, where the money is made, but the money we all would save on traveling expencess could go towards an added fee for W.N as after all it is business and has to earn a living for Chris.
I have to say I agree with a lot of what Peter is saying but there seems to be a lack of response both on here and in the WN so it makes you wonder if there will be any change. If the racers decide to keep it the way it is I hope we can plan the opens better to avoid clashes of dates to get better attended opens.
Lets say there is a move towards fewer Top Ten opens what is to stop clubs putting on a additional events with added prize money insted of a Top Ten open. This is not as daft as it sounds as a lot of clubs done this years ago when I first started racing and in my opinion the reason for this is most people don't want to travel as they would rather race closer to home (except for Championships, Devon, English and Scottish Derby's as most racers class these as holidays as well) and also the way thing are now it would be very difficult for someone from my region to do well in the Top Ten due to the location of most of the Top Ten opens. One of the reasons I open race is to race dogs in my own weight group as we have mostly bitches at our club and the dogs we do have are a bit bigger than my little dog. Another draw back of open racing is you only get one run I travelled for two years when I first started racing before I got a heat win never mind a weight class win so maybe we could introduce consolation racin (all in) to give racers a second race.
Another thing that has to be taken into account is the I.R.G although as yet I have not had the chance to race with this group you only hear good reports about their race meetings and these events are very well attended event without Top Ten points. So once you add these events in as well (if you stay in the right part of the country) you are back up to three potentally big races a month leaving only one free weekend a month.
You can't blame racers for wanting a good race every weekend that's why we do it and from what I can pick up (although I may be wrong) a lot of clubs run midweek so that racers can open race at the weekend and if this is the case the clubs are still running every week but very little new racers are coming into the sport so maybe we should be looking at this and not Top Ten opens.
To be honest I don't know what the answer is for every argument put forward there is a counter argument so finding the answer won't be easy but I hope the three racing groups along with their racers and the WN find the answer.
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