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:D as i have already stated not every one up north runs on bends and some r off injured. can i just ask how many were at the last bend open at highgate i think it was??? was there an awful lot there?
:cheers: Thanks Fleesh, do you think with it being a shorter track than normal that it made for closer racing. ;)
it was a good day at easington yesterday well done poppy

and gypsy i am looking forword to next sunday
the track was in super condition and i was there, i would of ran my dog (master tornado) but unfortunatly he is on the injury list and will not run for a few weeks
last bend open was warwick and there was over 70 dogs running and yes quite a few big ones
; just out of interest was there many from up north running at warwick?? as i have said b4 not every one up north runs the bends ;)

personally i think it wasnt a bad turn out. even in a straight open up here we r lucky to get 50 dogs running. :D
i agree carole i dont think it was a bad turnout
where were all the dogs that ran at warick then. why didn't they travel upto easington. were expected 2 travel all the way down there. and a lot of people from this end do. the price of petrol these days i don't think its fair on anybody to travil a long way. i think its good 2 have 2 opens on as long as there not in the same region. that way poeple have the choise.
The same event when ran last year had 55 dogs in attendance, not a great deal of difference. I do agree with Sharon that the cost of travel is a big consideration.

I would not have expected any to travel from the south coast to Easington for a days racing or the opposite way around, not only the fuel cost but also the time constraints.
here here sharon excelent ran open, a decent turn out a pleasure to watch,i had nawt to run but still went to support it. other peoples dogs were of due to injurys or there would have been a few more dogs attending. so an open on down the road suits all, then we can choose where we want to run,and well done again to all concerned :D
skye ran she had a good race with lacey venture which piped her for 2nd,by ahead i think could not be sure but very close .as i was picking her up. sun princess had the inside and stormed of in a time of 14.62 track time.but she must of given every thing as moany moany won the cross heat off 29,in a time of 14.79.great race moanymoany showing her strength and class.dogs went stevie duncans 11/10 roddy no problems, skye slight muscle problem,trapezius on right side plenty of massage and polar force.she could of taken a knock.did not realize there where consolation race until i had feed her :b .we will know for next week :D roddy taking him steady (solos} due to his problems.
The same event when ran last year had 55 dogs in attendance, not a great deal of difference
86 at least years event according to the W/N.

do you think with it being a shorter track than normal that it made for closer racing. 
In some races yes, but 20lber went supreme and by a good margin. Mind she was running well and would probably still have won regardless of distance she's an incredible bitch.

great race moanymoany showing her strength and class.
Aww thanx David, Blaze really did try hard bless her even though there was a mess getting into the first bend in her first race and her trapping and sprinting weren't up to the mark.

I'm glad I didn't get Sun Princess on the first run though, would really have made Blaze work for it. :)

Hope to see you all next weekend as we have decided to come back so that the dogs can get some Sprinting and Trapping work at competition level they're a bit rusty having only just got back to racing after a 2mth lay-off.
Well lets hope its a better turn out next week Fleesh-

I too thought it was poorly attended.

Karen Boyd
:) glad skye ran well for you and Di, and your have fun with her she's a lovely dog,your do the right thing with the pup, you have all winter to get him going, good luck with them both