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Earth Tremor?, Uk


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Was anyone else woken up by everything shaking just before 1 am? I was in such a deep sleep and the bed shaking woke me up - my son (in the bedroom above me) was still awake and came downstairs, told me the room had been shaking for about 15 seconds and he thought there'd been an explosion or something, somewhere locally.

I'm listening to the radio now and they are getting in reports from certainly all down the east coast of the UK. (w00t)
We are all awake too its made me feel sick :sweating:
it felt so odd ... like I say, I was in a really deep sleep and I woke up thinking my husband had come home (he's on nights, not due home til 7.30 am) and was sitting on the bed taking his shoes off, and that was what was making the bed shake. It felt really weird, I moved to his side of the bed still talking to him and managed to get the light on, and I felt so confused to find myself on my own (I wear earplugs to sleep at night so that disorientated me too, feeling the place move but not being able to hear anything!).

My son said he felt the whole house shake and came down to wake me - he thought there'd been an explosion or something!
i was sat on the sofa when all of a sudden it started to shake like mad and the noise was like a frieght train going past it lasted about -7 seconds on sky news they are saying it measured 4.7 we are just outside manchester
OMG!! i was watching a movie and the sofa was shaking and my tall lamp started doing a dance!!! and im in London!!!!! :blink: :blink:
Its on the news now............i never felt anything..........Scarey :eek:
Was woken up at about 1am by the bed shaking and the telly rattling on its stand. Told OH it was probably and tremor bt he didn't believe me he said the dogs would have barked

I'm in Stafforshire
Same here, we live in N. E. Derbyshire (w00t)
I woke up at 1pm with a jolt and jumped out of bed but by the time I was awake everything was quite.
i was woken up at 1 am by the bed shaking , thought i had a ghost untill i saw the news this morning :sweating:

strangely the dogs didnt seem botherd at all :)
No shaking here but I was woken up twice by house alarms going off :unsure:
Mark Roberts said:
No shaking here but I was woken up twice by house alarms going off
So the earth didnt move for you last night Lesley :p

No Mark I always miss out on everything, would be far too tired to notice at 1am anyway :- " :teehee:
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it really scared me too,thought we had a ghost too :blink: the bed was shaking and the wardrobe was vibrating ,didnt know about a earthquake until this morning :sweating:
someone in my area(didcot) they felt it but i was sound asleep :- "
I felt it (w00t) The dogs woke up and barked, but the kids slept through it. The whole house shook violently and the noise was incredible. I live only 3 miles from the apparent epicentre. I was still shaking at 3.30 this morning :( Scariest thing I've ever experienced.
We all felt it in our house in Staffordshire. We live quite high up and the house shook from side to side about 5 times. :eek: It was a bit mad really, I'd just got out of bed for a pee and upon returning the hubby gave me a little cuddle and then the bed started to shake, the mirrored wardrobes started to rattle as well. Hubby thaught it was fab as he had made the earth move by just giving me a cuddle (w00t) (w00t) (Men!!).
I was in a deep sleep,& came to thinking Chrissy had fallen out of bed (w00t)

i'm only about 12 miles from the epicentre,but can't say the house shook,just an almighty noise.Didn't get much sleep after that -_-

Editted to say that maybe the house DID shake as there's some damage in 2 of the bedrooms (w00t)
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I didn't feel it but I was woken up by Muffin who leapt out of bed barking his head off. (w00t) I got up to check if there was anyone outside and my husband, who was still downstairs, came running up asking if I'd felt it and that the whole house had been shaking. :sweating: We turned the tele on then, and it wasn't long before Sky were reporting an earthquake.