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Early death of pup


I Love my Girls
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I recently got a beautiful, placid, loving bitch puppy. Only to have her put to sleep today, she was 9 weeks old. She had a severe heart murmor in both sides of her heart, which could not be rectified by surgery or medication.

I believe she was related to or known by NEILPEM. I would be grateful if I could be contacted by this person to discuss it as I am concerned it could have affected other pups from the same litter.
first who are you,and who's martin,and were did you get pup from ,i doubt it was bred by me,but sorry anyway
How sad to hear this tragic news, what way was the poor little mite bred.........
I believe the pup was bred from a non pedigree racing bitch, cannot remember who she was mated with.

I have found out it has nothing to do with NEILPEM or his breeding and has been very helpful.
Very sorry to hear about your puppy, where is the breeder from?
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So sorry to hear your beauiful little puppy had to be put to sleep. She was as you say a very loving bitch. I cuddled her when we went to collect a pup out of the litter for a friend. We were very tempted to have her ourselfs

She was bred from a non pedigree bitch that never raced and A Kinda Magic

I understand the condition your pupy had could not have beed detected

at birth, she was a sweet little pup, evan Wendy was tempted to keep her.

You must be devastated. I know the rest of the litter are very well gaining weight and thiving, it seems there are no worries about the rest of the litter.

The two young pups we have are also from A Kinda Magic strong healthy

pups now five months old. Also very loving so we understand how upset you must be. Neither the dog or the bitches fault but very upsetting non the less.
Hi there hellybobs,

So sorry to hear about you pup, even having them such a short time we all get emotionally attached to them :( .My blue fawn bitch has had two litter the first litter was mine and because she was in joint names the breeder wanted a litter. I used Eng. Ch Nevedith Rare Rogue and had eight very healthy pups(total out crossing), the bitches second litter was the breeders litter and she used a dog in her kennel that was a relative to the bitches, although not close they had same ancestors. She had six in this litter one was stillborn three had different heart mumours two of them they said they would grow out of, the third was bad. After talk to other breeders i was told that there was probably a problem back in the line and by using the two dogs it had doubled up on the problem. Its funny looking back on things because the bitch didnt look as healthy being pregnant that time, she also had a hard labour(maybe she knew something was wrong :( )


:( :( .
Hi, I realise it's no comfort, but at least she knew love and kindness from you. She might have had a short life, but knowing that you adored her will have helped her.

Sorry that no words I can say, will ease your grief.
I also have a pup out of Akinda Magic and he is very healthy. We had a puppy years ago with a heart murmor and to this day is living life to the full. So sorry to hear about your wee pup.
I'd like to thank eveybody for their support. It means alot that there are people out there that understand what I'm going through as they have been through the same upset as me. I am so very pleased that the other pups from the same litter are health and happy. Once I get over losing my baby, I intent to get another whippet as they are wonderful dogs.
Glad to hear this hasn't put you off getting another whippet!
sorry to hear such sad news keep your chin up