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DVD Bends Championship


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Can anyone tell me if the NWRF has an official logo..??

I am compiling the DVD fo the recent All bend champs at highgate on sunday and am in the process of designing the cover. if anyone has any images of their winnind dogs in the jackets you can email them to me and i will include them on the cover.

DVD can be purchased from here... Championship DVD

Please include your name with the image and you will get your name credited on the cover.

Thanks in advance... pen (w00t)
:) no logo, for this organization but why not put bitch and dog Ch of Chs on the cover, that would look nice,
do you think its fair that you should be selling DVD,s of a race meeting that the NWRF paid to have video taped to sell in order to raise funds.
Lessons to be learnt from this! only two sorts of bad payers those that pay up front and those who dont pay at all.
weathergirls said:
do you think its fair that you should be selling DVD,s of a race meeting that the NWRF paid to have video taped to sell in order to raise funds.
I would like to offer the reason why there is a DVD of your recent event at Highgate.

Firstly i was asked to film the meeting at highgate - i was not going to do it as the last time i was asked to spend the whole day filming i was not paid and apparently was expected to do it on the premis some folk wanted to order a video..?? No one bought a copy and i spent the whole day for nothing.

On Sunday 7th i had planned to produce a DVD that the club would take orders on and i would sell the club at a race of £5 - the club could then sell them for what ever they fancied and make some profit.

Just before the start of the meeting I was informed that the club could not pay the agree'd fee and that they also wanted the master dvd so they could copy them to video and sell - i am sorry but if anyone thinks i should be expected to work for a full day filming and then also work for a full day editing and making a dvd to give away - you are mistaken.

The only DVD version of the event was the one i was going to make, i was requested to film the event, i was not ordered to film the event and make a dvd neither was i requested to film the event and provide any footage to the club. If no one wished to order a copy of a dvd then i would not have even taken the time to make one.

Many people came asking for a video of the event and all of them were told by myself and members of the nwrf that they should see Di as she will have the only vhs recording of the event. People should have the option to buy what they want and on the highgate website it is clearly stated that a video of the event is available from Di and the number advertised.

I did not get chance to inform Di of my plan as she just stood and shook her head at me claiming she wanted the master dvd, when i told her there is no dvd she insisted on the vhs tape that was used to record the meeting. There was only one video recording of the meeting anyone in the box will veryify this and this was given to the club.

I suggest that members of organisations such as yourself place people in charge who are able to listen and who have some understanding and appreciation of the efforts of others - rather than trying to cut corners and costs. I have not sold many dvds but had it been done the way i wanted the club could have earned at least £65.
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none of the whippet racing organisations are profit making they have to cut cost where possible to survive that is why they paid to have the meeting filmed as usual in order to sell copies to the members as a means of raising much needed funds I believe you were paid £60 for you work is this not correct
i was indeed. i was paid to come and video the days meeting.

like i said the intention was to supply copies of the dvd for the club to sell but as i was not even given the chance to comment - i was just told how it was gonna be then this is why things have turned out as they have...i offered the option of filming at £30 and the option of the sale of the dvds to the club but this was not acceptable.

Highgate website viewers enjoy watching video footage, i also intended if somene could have been bothered to reply to me - to include a full results page with videos of the top races for people who were unable to attend the meeting - i also offered the opportunity to print the mini card you provided to visitors on our copier - but no one could be bothered to contact me.

By all means if you want to buy the dvds from me to sell to the club then i will do that - i only offered to do the dvd to those who specifically approached me and expressed they did not want a video. i explained that there is someone to buy the video from but they wanted a DVD so what could i do....say no..??
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hey pen the nwrf committee arranged for the filming of sundays event with russ

and michelle who stated that we could hire your services and you would supply

a master dvd copy to us shortly before racing debbie came and asked if we would

tell people the price of the dvds on sale by you when i came to see you you never

offered to sell the dvds to the fed thats why iasked for the master copy of the video

as far as i am aware you have never done any work for our particular meetings

as we have n t raced at highgate track for some years are you sure you are not confusing us with lurchers who i believe have raced at highgate

di bellwood
Hi di

yes you mentioned what russ and michele said - this was nothing to do with me - i explained that to you. i also explained that i was not prepared to do the editing of the dvd and give up a master for nothing. i did say to you (and i also said it to the peopel in the box prior) that i would have accepted a lower fee for the day and provided the dvd at a set price that you could sell on. you said no way and you then asked for the master vhs and would pay me for my time and you would sell the video on. which is exactly what happened. you paid me and you got a master vhs which was recorded on the day which is what you asek me for.?

plenty of people came to the box asking for a video, mostly the nwrf members directed them to you and on several occasions i did the same.

As some poeple posted about the forthcoming events at highgate in the flappers dream forum i posted in there in advance of the event for someone to contact me - no one did and as i intended to sell dvds to the nwrf for you to sell on i left the reference to the dvd on the forum and the advert i put on our site for you.

obviously i did not know what you had agreed with other people and 10 mins before the meeting i could do nothing to remove the dvd comments. however plenty of people came asking for one so i decided to do it.

you refused my option of the dvd in choice for a vhs copy for you to copy and sell. knowing you were making a video and hearing people specifically request a dvd i saw no problem - people have a choice what to have..?

again i did not know until the event that your committee are not the same committee that attended highgate 2 years prior that did not pay - again i had this conversation with you...i agreed to film the event as a direct request from yourselves - when you requested my service no one specified that you requested a copy of the event - however you did ask on the day and you got what you asked for - the master vhs.

because you decied not to take the offer its my fault is it..?

all the people that bought a dvd off me can you please send di an extra £4.50 so that the nwrf is not out of pocket..
:wacko:im totally lost now am i right in thinking that penny was paid £60 to tape the days racing and put it onto a video tape which has been given to the nwrf to make copies and sell on? then penny has made dvds to sell for herself? if the nwrf has a vhs copy is it not possible for them to somehow put that onto dvd? im pc thick so im not even sure if this can be done but its worth a try? £60 isnt at all bad for a days work i taped the whole of the straight champs over two days sold them for a tenner and didnt make that much more than that myself.
sherry said:
:wacko:im totally lost now am i right in thinking that penny was paid £60 to tape the days racing and put it onto a video tape which has been given to the nwrf to make copies and sell on? then penny has made dvds to sell for herself? if the nwrf has a vhs copy is it not possible for them to somehow put that onto dvd? im pc thick so im not even sure if this can be done but its worth a try? £60 isnt at all bad for a days work i taped the whole of the straight champs over two days sold them for a tenner and didnt make that much more than that myself.
as i have said i did nto want to film the racing because of the previous committee not paying me. i wanted £60 and thought i would make a dvd and get the nwrf to take orders so you could sell it at maybe £10... i tunred up and was told that the nwrf wanted to pay me less and have me make a master dvd for them to sell.

again i will state i offered to take £30 and then do the dvd to sell on - this was refused and the master video requested. bare in mind that when requesting my services there was no dvd as i decided to do this later on for everyone to benefit from - the club and myself. there was no mention of requesting a master vhs either until i said i would not edit a dvd and give it away for nothing.

it is possible for anyone to put the video tape of the meeting onto dvd - however i have produced an edited version which took some hours to achieve and have produced a professional item - all costing materials and time.

again - if the offer of the dvd was rejected then why should i be so foolish as to not make it for those who wanted to pay for it.??

i dont know about you but i value my time very much and do not see why i should either give my time for nothing or indeed produce something that others can sell without gaining a little something also.

How many of you are self employed or have partners in skilled jobs - would you let them do favours for people withotu getting paid knowing they had saved £££'s or indeed make them something without charge knowing they were selling it at a profit..?? i dont think so some how.

all people who bought a copy of the dvd asked for it and were told that the video would be available from di and shoudl see her - all of them were told i was making the dvd with no connection to the nwrf at all.

You were offered the use of a track video camera so that you could have cut the cost of paying for someone to film it for you entirely - this was will be offered again next year.
you had already benefited you had been paid £60 for three and half hours work (tax free) why should you benefit again at our expence. By the way I,m self-employed and I do freebies lifes not all about £££££££s
weathergirls said:
you had already benefited you had been paid  £60  for three and half hours  work (tax free) why should you benefit again at our expence. By the way I,m self-employed and  I do freebies  lifes not all about £££££££s
so whats the problem then...?

are you NOT complaining that i have made something and sold it..?

you were offered the option of having a dvd to sell but refused.
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I am sorry that the situation has come to this, i think that its been a mixture of events, and should have been sorted out before the championship day, penny should have had a contact phone number and visa verser.

Penny did work very hard that day and also assisted myself and others out in the judges box on the few occasions we had with dogs interfering and photo finishes.

I am sure that the members of the nwrf would like the opportunity to either buy videos or DVDs.

And if penny would like to give me a call on 01325307725 i am sure this can all be sorted out and resolved with the rest of the committee.
At last a little common sense and i am sure all concerned will benefit from it, pity that this is an exception rather than the rule in whippet racing well said Dee.Like i said lessons to be learnt from this lets hope they are!

And if penny would like to give me a call on 01325307725 i am sure this can all be sorted out and resolved with the rest of the committee.

:( well said dee thats the way it should be sorted out with the committee & penny, no one else :oops: