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Drug Testing.

does anyone know what happens on the pedigree whippet racing what methods of testing they do ,are they governed by the kennel club if so they are a strict ruling body if they do drug testing i would think they know what they are doing
As far as i know pedigree racing doesn't have drug testing.
We're part of the Northern Pedigree Whippet Racing Club, and as far as I'm aware there is no drug testing in Ped racing.

What about blood testing instead of urine testing ? - or does it work out more expensive >?

Wouldn't that show better what substances were in the dogs system ? - or would it still only been screened for the same substances/do substances show up the same in urine as in blood >?

A little jab with a needle isn't going to cause much of a problem to the dogs surely. I'm sure most of us have had it done ourselves, and if a vet is employed for the day to take samples from dogs then surely an experienced person such as he/she should be able to take a blood sample.

I am sure if people knew how and looked in the right places they'd be able to find substances for sale over the internet similar to some of those Jade has been learning about.
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  We're part of the Northern Pedigree Whippet Racing Club, and as far as I'm aware there is no drug testing in Ped racing.
It's interesting that there is much less bad feeling between ped racers as there is with non ped racers when you read the forums, could this be to do with the state whippet racing has got into since drug testing has been taking place?
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i know my view is if it,s going to be done it has to be done right but would hate to think it should come down to blood tests my dogs hate the vet chucky has to go under aneasthetic to have her nails cut
chucky has to go under aneasthetic to have her nails cut

Strangely enough after having her injections and squealing Blue Murder then undergoing two eye operations at the age of 6mths Blaze loves going to the vets she adores Bruce and barks at him or gets under his feet if she spots him and he won't say Hello. She actually pulled out of Mums hands whilst on the lead and ran full pelt to the vet surgery she wanted to be in there that much (wierdo).

Kerri is ... as ever ... completely indifferent :b
:oops: wrong topic
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i believe i accused you of setting your dogs away i.e -: Cracked It, never ran for nearly a year, came out and got a title, that was never tested. since then a dog in your kennel has proved positive.

goodnight RICKY :clown:
;) On the peddie circuit if we enter the 'Champs' (the racing which gives the victor the title Whippet Club Racing Champion), then when we enter, we sign to give our consent to drug testing should the WCRA consider it necessary. I have never known it done since I began racing. At Open racing, (the racing which gives points to winners and thus at the end of the season a table of the most successful racing dogs) there is no statement of intent on the Opens forms But we are in exactly the same position as yourselves, we could be tested, but we don't know for what! I have never seen a list of substances banned by the WCRA, and like you, would be hard pressed to know if I have transgressed or not. But I don't overlook the fact that some sad people will do anything to win, even a bit of poxy plastic. It's not the taking part that counts, for some it's the winning. And thus to win some people will use anything at their disposal to do just that. Were that not true why would olympic standard atheletes risk it? It's the fame thing isn't it? Drugs testing does in my opinion help you to maintain some integrity within the sport, and does reflect that you take seriously your duty of care to the dogs that race. But I was shocked at the cost! No wonder the WCRA doesn't do it!!!
As Carmel has said we do have to sign a form when we enter Champs to state that we do agree to our dogs to be testing should the WCRA feel it nessersary but I can't remember it having been done (but I could be wronge).

It's interesting that there is much less bad feeling between ped racers as there is with non ped racers when you read the forums, could this be to do with the state whippet racing has got into since drug testing has been taking place?
for a long time I felt drug testing should be carried out in Pedigree racing but after reading all the upset falling out and the state it's left non ped racing in that with a conversation I had with a non ped racer (high profile) if there was a vote regarding drugs testing for peds I would vote against drugs testing as for me the benifits have far out weighed the benifits to non peds, you only have to read the post of this season to see how it has broke friendships divided clubs and brought indirectly the downfall of a committee.

from everything i've read this year on the non ped threads testing could be the downfall of racing if it's not sorted out, i'd hate for ped racing to go the same way.
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