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Drug Testing.


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we are over half way through the racing year as we are nearing the time for regional meetings and A.G.Ms , I make no appologies for raising topic. I have always said and still say if we are going to carry on with drug testing then it has to be done correctly it should be carried out by an independent body, rival competitors should have no part in the process,it must be done in more sterile way than it has in the past and there shoud be someone with the knowledge to be able to answer any queries we have....

All this needs to be paid for on top of the cost of the tests and the kits . Obviously there will have to be an increae in membership and/or race fees. Is it worth it I don,t think so what do you think. the sad fact is we have lost some good whippeteers from our sport since the testing was brought in and I honestly believe if it had been carried out correctly then most of them would still be racing today. I will be putting a proposal forward to the new nwrf agm to ballot the members on wether they are prepared to fund it or scrap it. As I have not yet renewed my BWRA membership, I can, t yet put it to them but if anyone else is of the same opinion may,be you could

yours in our declining sport

Linda Broom..
Its a funny question to ask should or should we not drugs test!!!

Yes we should because doping in sport is cheating, dishonest and unethical and is unfair on your dog and its health.

No because its costing the sport to much money.

I do think the levels set by brwa and nwrf at the present are very fair, zero was never workable , thats when we lost good people in the sport

The right answers are hard to find and I don’t claim to know, but theres been alot of research done the last 5 months.
you are reading me wrong denise I am asking the question are we prepared to pay for it to be done correctly .I have,nt asked do we need it ,what we don,t need however is for things just to slide along as they have been doing . The top and bottom of it is its going to cost money. wheres it going to come from, we need to know how much testing over a full year is going to cost [doing it corretly] how much it is going to cost each member per year and if we are prepared to pay for it . I am but i,m able to afford it so are a lot of others but there are a lot who can,t .with increasing costs in travel ect; it makes what should be an enjoyable passtime,hobby a luxury for some.
I am not prepared to pay for testing any one who cheats by using drugs or any other meens like weighing in their dog light to win a plastic trophy can do, I would sooner finish with racing and find another sport for myself and family.
sorry if this is waavering a bit off the sudjeck but as a someone who is only just starting to learn abot whippet racing can you explain to me what weighing in light is and allso what drugs are they testing for. Are there things i could give my dog in all inosence and they contain the band substances without me knowing are there things i should tell my vet my dog carnt have.

Sorry Linda the cost of a test at HLF is around about £180 each, Henry leech which has been doing them is only £50 each test but now insists on a vet taking them which is around £100 a day , an experiment was done a few years ago by the former NWRF committee on four dogs they administers chocolate, pro plus (caffeine tables),and colovet (caffeine tonic) to three of the dogs and the last one was giving nothing, both labs received all four dogs urine test and according to the former NWRF committee the finding where the same, so i would say theres no difference in HLF and Henry Leech and the only differences in the cost is £30.

The NWRF take 50p out of each dogs entry fee on the bends to go to wards drug testing.

Some people i have spoke to want testing to carry on as it would seem from recent events that some people will continue to gave there dogs difference substances to improve their performances, the people i have spoke to says they are will to pay extra membership each year or a extra £1 to enter a dog.

Then there are others that say scrap it, i think the fairest way would be to have a vote at the next agm for both BWRA and NWRF.

All the people that attended the recent NWRF agm will be aware that we are now on the same level as the BWRA as zero was a impossible level to work with.
fallen angel i have asked the question b4 wot r they testing 4? I am still waiting 4 an answer so I dont give my dogs anything except their food.
lostgood people in the sport through drug testing, bollicks we want em out. i dont want cheats in the sport. seems to me that people who want drug testing done awaywith have somthing to hide. if theyget tested and somthing shows whats baned, ban them and make them pay for the test,cheats we dont want them in the sport anyway. yer put the subs up 50p or whatever but dont do away with testing.
here, here, kenny are right. :thumbsup:
drug testing is a complete waste of time & money if it is not done properly, we will get more innocent people banned & lost from the sport for ever.If it is to be done we should pay the price [no expence spared]
[QUTOTE] he NWRF take 50p out of each dogs entry fee on the bends to go to wards drug testing.

i would like to see drug testing stay to deter people from useing banned substances ,i agree there must be more done to see they are taken & tested correctly.

i think that is unfair why not take 50P off all racing not just bends ;)
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Good, innocent people have indeed been lost through drug testing, but simply due to the fact that the authorities in whippet racing failed to recognise theobromine as a relatively inert substance. Had the BWRA asked a veterinary authority to look at the lab reports, as their own rule insists they do, all this farce may not have happened.

I'm interested to know what the allowable levels are now, and what conclusions have been reached by the research in the past 5 months as alluded to by Denise.
Have to agree with John Noble here-do it properly and pay for it at the necessary cost or not at all-

Kenny M-thats a huge generalisation-isn't it?-quote(those who want it done away with have something to hide)

Dee-quote(it would seem from recent events that some people will continue to give their dogs different substances to improve their performance)???- A very worrying statement if true.

What a very sad and seedy 'hobby' this must appear to be to many-not very encouraging at all especially to newcomers-

When people ask about whippet racing locally or from my place of work-I always make the distinction clear between greyhound racing and whippets-

stressing its only for fun and 'not much money' to win-occasional prize money but mostly just trophies-

The above comments would have many believing otherwise-

Maybe as my husband said-its getting time to find a new family hobby/interest?

Karen Boyd


As we all know and some have encountered- many forms of cheating exist- drug use- is just one but all need addressing for the sport to move forward.

Most other forms don't require large amounts of money thrown at them to get them sorted.

Simply sticking to rules would help.
yes, i think the drug testing should stay. 50p extra to run our dogs isnt to much to ask, but must be on the bends and straights.
kipper fluke said:
P.S-As we all know and some have encountered- many forms of cheating exist- drug use- is just one but all need addressing for the sport to move forward.

Most other forms don't require large amounts of money thrown at them to get them sorted.

Simply sticking to rules would help.
Simply sticking to rules would help
thats true steve why make them in the first place. :oops:

I'm interested to know what the allowable levels are now, and what conclusions have been reached by the research in the past 5 months as alluded to by Denise.
I would say that if the NWRF had any positive test , they would all be dealt with separately under experts advice, it would depend on what was found in the urine.

@steve or karen
A very worrying statement if true.
Well lets take a look at the last 11 months i need say no more.

weighing in light
I have to say that sadly Ive noticed this happen over the years on many a occasion , only way to stop this would be the person weighing dogs in that day is to ask another to weigh there dogs in in front of a witness, just like the nwrf at the champs weekend we asked yourself and others to verify the committees dogs weights

Its funny how some people will try and gain that little bit extra with there dogs drugs, weights and traps.

I have been watching two couples at the moment , in both cases one of the persons will run the dog and the other stays at the box's, he/they quite cleverly crouches down near the trap and after the dogs are in the traps, he/they wraps the rope around the catch so his/there dogs rope is a little bit tighter than the others in his race.....i wont mention any names but you know who you are.
Next time it happens Dee shout out for all to hear HOLD ON THE ROPE IS TWISTED LIKE THE OWNER! that should cause a change in this habit or at least have it rectified.

This sort of cheating is every bit as bad as drug use and whistle blowing is the only way to stop it.
yes karen it is (a huge generalisation yes) but its the way i feel get the cheats out,my point is dont do away with drug testing keep them wondering,oh am not giving me dog out i just might get tested today. and while they think that the other person may just win (a plastic trophy) and yes lets have the tests done right :thumbsup:
Further to reply from Denise, if the new NWRF is having lab reports analysed by experts before making judgement then it's a move in the right direction. You haven't answered my question though as to what research was done in the past 5 months. Also, what are the NWRF levels or do you not have any? Has the BWRA made any ammendments to their doping policy recently or do they still have the same 8-10 levels?