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Dougie mac charity open @ the indie


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Closing date for entries was today, although if you message me or ring we will still squeeze you in.

78 dogs entered, I am very pleased, so, thankyou to all those who have entered.

We will be at the indie sunday helping prepare the track for the charity open the following weekend.

Fingers crossed for good weather.

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That is great news, good to see that racers are supporting such a good cause. This is something that effects all of us in some way or other, we are looking forward to it!
We will be wishing you well and kicking ourselves for being double booked. Hoping for good weather too walking the course at Badminton, on XC day.
84 dogs entered, Draw done. Indie field was cut today and looking great. The track was lush and green.

Catering van is booked, its the usual one for the indie that does a full fry up!!!!!!!!!!!
So sorry we cannot join you at the Indie ( and we would have really liked to join in ) but we want to wish you all the best and hope that you have a great injury free days racing.

And as Andrew has said already " Cancer " is at everyones door we ALL know someone ( Family or Friend ) who has been affected by the condition and any means by which anyone can raise funds to help find a cure for it is well worth while.

We hope that this can become an annual Open and we will have the chance next year to support such a worthy cause, good luck from.........

Derek Mandy and the Blue gang.... :thumbsup:
Thanks Derek,

this will be an annual event, organised by a laurel and hardy combination of the OBrien's and Ingley's!

Probably on a different weekend though. But we will not clash with any other open!
So sorry to let you down Andy, but I'm slowly recovering from a nast bout of Tummy bug and wont be well enough for the long drive. wish you luck for a good day's racing and wish I could be there.
Hi Andy, not sure if Pam Spikes has been able to get in touch with you I know she's off line a t m but Spikes Midnight run wont be runing on sunday,
Gutted we can't be there to support you :mellow: , hope it all goes well, lots of money is raised and some great races :thumbsup: . Hopefully we'll be there next year :luck: .
Cheers Andy!!! Just need the other 16 dogs to pull out of that group now (after they have paid to enter of course ;-) ) Way too many good dogs in there!
Hi Andy

Have a great day tomorrow

Will be thinking of you all and your Mum.

From All The Satins
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe days racing and Andy i am sure your mum will be looking down on you tomorrow and she will be very proud of you so safe racing my friends and a well done to all who supported this fantastic charity take care you all
