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Double Again

longstone lass

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just herd from stormy that his team have done the double again .big colt ran a cracker of a race against sum real good dogs hes so pleased with him and china as always ran a good race so stormy will have a sore head in the morning party time tonite . :- :thumbsup:
:D a big well done to colt and china .Thats great news also a big well done to paul and sue with karma on winning the coursing :thumbsup:
Well done Karma!!!! What a great result for Paul and Sue :thumbsup:
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O Stormy, there is just no beating them 2 brilliant dogs of yours. Colt and Chinas name will be proudly engraved in the Doogie Hall of Fame. At home or abroad they are always winners. Abig congratulations from John amd myself. We are so proud of you and them 2 Kanine Gold Labels. Definately its true what Rhonda says, there will be sore heads in the morning.

Margaret & John Mc Stay

Well done to Stormy.........Colt and China!! :lol:
:D Yeah, a very well done to John and his two speed machines. I will SOOOOO reconsider entering for you again ! :wacko: :thumbsup:
Well done Johny boy.Heard it was a crackin final.With Colt winning by a short head,from the fast finnishing Archer.Owned by youre very good friend Caroline.Well done to you too Caroline and Archer.On youre reserve racing championship.Pity Archer lacks that bit of early pase girl.But youre getting there,for a beginner,with youre 1st ever race dog.Taking nothing away from the the mean machine,(Colt).He's going well,for dog his age.Wish i was going as well.Another one for the Ulsterish.They both beat the Chatsworth Champion too,by the way.
:D a big well done to colt and china .Thats great news also a big well done to paul and sue with karma on winning the coursing :thumbsup:

Also Maria Pether's beautiful young brindle smooth dog - Rebus, was Reserve in the showing- 45 champions entered, great quality- Winner was a 3/4 greyhound, 1/4 Piccardy (correct spelling I hope). The show was huge improvement on last year. Well done to EVEYONE !!!
Absolutely fantastic John, WELL DONE to all the team, yourself, Colt and China. In just a few years you've set an unprecedented number of victories in Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. At showing, straight racing, bend racing and simulated coursing you and your team have done it all and have set a standard which looks difficult to attain to. Your dogs have done it all against top class competition inspite of injuries which have threatened their careers and performances. Once again A BIG MASSIVE WELL DONE. I remember reading a book by Plummer called "Merle, the start of a dynasty" and i hope in a few years a new one will be written "STORM, THE START OF A DYNASTY".

Darren overwhelmed with such lovely tributes to my team. Ive been very fortunate with the 3 lurchers ive had/have. Theres guys who go thru a dog a week for years looking for what i have so with that in mind im very priviliged to own what i do.

Thanks again for the replies and main post here. its appreciated big time :b
John , you have proved the doubters wrong , YOU and the team have done all the hard work, so bloody well enjoy mate!!!! WELL DONE AGAIN!!!! i dont know of anyone who puts as much effort into the attending and competing in theses events :)
congratulations on china and colts wins, i think they deserve a good winters rest with you waiting on them hand and foot they have done you proud and wish you well in next years quest :thumbsup: