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Dotty Has Been Corrupted

You weren't deliberately setting out to hunt the bunnies so don't feel guilty AT ALL :thumbsup: Instinct and 100+ years of breeding will always take over.
My Tina was just a soft daftie and never really seemed interested in rabbits on walks - she just wanted to run around in circles and play with other dogs....oh, and roll in anything smelly to drive Neil demented (w00t) Diva, on the other hand, was an ex-gamekeepers dog and she was terrible for hunting :unsure: If I was in an area where I knew there were rabbits I would keep her on the longline but in new areas she could tell quicker than I could if there were bunnies around. She caught & killed two myxied rabbits which I was pleased about as I didn't know how to humanely dispatch them but the day she chased and caught a rabbit that had strayed too far from it's hole was awful. The rabbit screamed but Diva did kill it in seconds thankfully. She also brought the rabbits back to us :wacko: We never ever scolded her for this behaviour as it was what she had spent her first 5 years trained to do - it was up to us to try to keep our eyes open and see the bunnies first!!! (w00t) In a way it was brilliant to see Diva working the warrens and hedgerows and fields and doing what the breed was bred for but we never deliberately encouraged her as I had rabbits as a youngster and absolutely adore them.

Neil and I are planning to get another whippie pup *or two* in the next few months so fingers crossed they don't become Bunny Hunters :wacko:
Thanks for that. :)) your Tina sounds like Dotty used to be. By the way I meant to say we do actually own a rabbit named Ziggy, he is 11 years old! Yea I have a funny feeling your whips will be like mine one teaching the other to hunt? Funny thing is Dotty when she was a pup used to get in the cage with the rabbit and share his food (w00t) Since we have Duke they are not alowed within spitting distance of ziggy as Duke was always way too interested. Anyway good luck with your new editions you'll have to put some picks up when you get them :thumbsup: