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Hi, I have a 15 month old Basset Hound who is my 3rd dog. I have house trained him in exactly the same way as the other two dogs but he seems unable to grasp the nettle!! He will go outside if the the back door is left open all the time but otherwise he dosn't care where he is. I tried crate training at the begining but he pooped all over his bedding now he is restricted to the utility room with a baby gate, He urinates and poops every night then walks in it and jumps up at the gate. This morning it was all over the walls and gate as well as the floor. He is walked 3 times per day and has free access to the garden while we are at home. I stand with him last thing at night while he does his business.

Please Please can anyone give me any advise on what to do to stop this?

Many thanks
He was still with his Mum when we collected him at 9 weeks old.
Hi there, aww, the lazy little pest!

maybe you could try feeding him a little earlier in the day so there is a better chance of him lasting through the night.

Also you may need to really scrub his sleeping area (you're probably fed up of doing this eh?) some people suggest using a biological washing powder to really get rid of the smell to a doggy nose, i hope someone'll come along with some better advice for you,

good luck! photo's of the pest please!
I agree with the post above, the reason I asked about the mother is that it is the mum that teaches them not to mess in the living area, if they are taken from their mum too earlier they do not get chance to learn this and will just poo where they sleep, it takes roughly 4 hours for food to pass through a dogs system, walk him just after feeding and then 4 hours later, hope this helps
Thanks for all your replies I will try them out. scrumpy on the beach 061.jpg
Hi Tommy18, just wondering how is going with ur Basset?
He is beautiful!

I would go completely back to basics and take him out every couple of hours stay with him until he pee's or poop's and reward him and make a big fuss, I would stop his free access to the garden just now as he is not understanding the distinction of inside/outside yet, stay out with him until he does something, Add a word every time he pee's and you can eventually have your dog pee on command, Mine go "pee pee" when they are told to.

Hanneroon is right about the cleaning, dogs will still be able to smell pee even after thorough cleaning, use bleach, biological washing powder or simple solution pet odour remover (pets at home sell it), every where the dog has ever been,

you could also try using Olbas oil or something equally smelly on the areas he usually goes as this normally repels them from going there.

Good Luck, I know how infuriating it is I had a beagle bitch who pee'd where ever she wanted when ever she wanted, return from walk and she would pee on the carpet at your feet!!! lots of treats, rewards, routine and she eventually got the idea!

I agree with everything murphyrules has said, but if you are going back to basics try putting him on the lead while you are out in the garden with him and don't let him off until he has done something. Plenty of praise and/or treats then leave him for 10 minutes or so just watching him, don't play, you don't want him thinking that this is playtime. Take him back into the house and after another 10 minutes take him out again, there is sometimes a possibility that they will need another wee (or poo if he hasn't already done this).

Hope you get your problem solved.
