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Doing it all wrong


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After reading (and commenting) on a lot of posts I gather I am doing everything wrong.
I use a collar not a harness
I use a Flexi lead
I don't feed raw food
I occasionally need to use my mobile phone when out with my dog
My granddaughter has a Frenchbulldog

And, from one partiocular post Dudley should not ĺexist as he is a Bichon/Chihuahua cross.

Given all that I have a happy, well adjusted dog who rarely puts a paw wrong.
We trained each other, we have long walks, meet interesting people with many differing views who don't judge.
Big dogs, small dogs, owners all ages from 18 to 80. Met for breakfast in the local pub this morning with eight well behaved dogs.
Five of us going for a long walk this afternoon ranging from large (Welsh collie) to small (two little Frenchies). They will have opportunity to run free but will be expected to behave on leads. Whichever type of lead/collar/harness they wear.
Everyone has their own opinion on how they look after their dog and I find that most dog lovers are rather passionate in their opinions!

So don’t let it get to you. As long as your dog is happy and healthy and you respect others that’s all you require I say!

I can add that:

I use a collar not a harness
I don’t feed raw
And I use my mobile when out

So I’m also a terrible owner :p:p
Me too.

I only use a harness when I'm likely to be using the long line on part of the walk. If it's the short lead then it's the collar.

I feed a mix of cooked, raw and kibble -

I might be caught indulging my spotify habit via my mobile phone.
We are all awful , makes me wonder how any of my dogs dogs survived all this awful bad upbringing I have been giving them.
I too use a flexi have done for 30 years,
I dont feed raw
used to use collars

and it gets worse... I vaccinate my dogs and use commercial flea protection..
I dont go to puppy classes or have perfect recall
my dogs isnt best friends with everyone
and I dont crate him...

I can almost hear people dialling animal welfare !
I reckon we all learn as we go along, and do best by our dogs which ever way we choose.. All the other dogs in my life have different diets, leads, levels of training etc,one thing they do have in common is they are happy, healthy and have caring families:)
You are very right @Flobo!

All dogs are different so it makes sense that they don’t all have the same up bringing right!?
You have a great dog and what you're doin g works brilliantly for you so you're doing it all right!!

People can be very evangelical and I'm guilty of doing it myself. I extol positive training but I'm human, I do yell at Jasper at times. I raw feed because it works for him whereas kibble didn't, but he gets all sorts of rubbish for treats, such as leftover pizza crust. I walk him on a collar, I often use my mobile when walking him because, just sometimes, it gets boring. And I made a lot of mistakes when choosing my pup.

Some breeders are irresponsible or ill informed, and it's true that if we avoided buying puppies from such breeders then badly bred dogs would be less common, but life doesn't always go to plan, a dog arrives in our life, and often it's healthy and lovely.

You're a responsible owner because you're reading and learning about what works for other dogs/people and what they believe, but not falling into the trap of doing something that isn't working for you or not doing something that IS working!

I've used headcollars, harnesses [draft & front-clip & seat-belt], AND neck-collars - of many types.
* when i was just 10-YO, my 1st pup went thru training with a mandatory choke-chain.

Since then, i've used
- buckle / tag-collars
- limited-slip AKA martingale collars [my fave], width sized to the dog
- rolled-leather collars on dogs with ruffs
- headcollars, on aggro or reactive dogs, or for handlers who needed better control.

Ppl think headcollars are all about the dog's issues, but for owners outmatched by a big dog, or those who have grip problems, lack upper-body strength, have co-ordination issues, or are disabled, having a headcollar can be the difference between safely managing their dog, & not having a dog at all.
I've used Haltis, but greatly prefer the Gentle Leader - i only wish their maker hadn't been bought-out by the ironically named "PetSafe", originally RADIO FENCE - makers of shock-fences, then as now. :(

I've never fed any of my own dogs 'raw-food only' diets; i've fed kibble plus fresh food, i've fed home-cooked with a commercial base [Honest Kitchen] & my choice of added protein, i've fed home-cooked with a multivitamin & mineral supplement [Missing Link powder].
I've even fed fresh-chill commercial diets, for dogs who boarded with me [personally, i think they're overpriced].

I have clients & colleagues who feed all-raw, or home-cooked plus supplements. I've had clients who fed kibble that cost $20 for a 40# bag... if the dog is thriving, whatever they eat, i don't say a word. I bring diet up only if i see problems linked to nutrition or food intolerances [coat, ears, skin issues, claws, allergies, etc].

I use a 6-ft lead, most of the time; i use long-lines to allow running room with the option to bring the dog in, whether s/he wants to come in or not. :rolleyes: I've used traffic leads in specific situations; i also use drag-lines indoors or out, & martingale leashes in the show ring.
If my clients want to use an extending lead, i recommend all-tape & genuine Flexi - I also teach them to use it properly: to keep their dog on a short LOCKED leash when they're in a cluttered area, on a city sidewalk, or anywhere that's not open area, where they may unexpectedly encounter other dogs or persons, or get hung up.

the show scene
I won't use snake-chains in the show ring on a client's dog, & won't allow them in a handling class; I also recommend against "all cord" martingale show-leads, as they slice into the neck under tension. A wide segment across the throat will protect the trachea, allows unimpeded blood-flow to the brain, & lowers internal pressure in the dog's eyes.

Harnesses for hauling
I've used X-back harnesses for dogs when they're hauling a load, whatever it is; a cart, a sled, a sledge, ski-joring, bike-joring, any weight-pulling.
Their big downfall is that tho they're perfect for helping the dog to haul, dogs can BACK OUT of them. U need a secondary control-tool, in case the dog wants to take off! - a neck-line paired with the dog beside them in the team, or a short coupler to connect the X-back to a martingale collar on the dog's neck, or a Y-harness worn beneath the X-back... some sort of back-up, just in case.

Harnesses for Mgmt or B-Mod
I've used Y-harnesses with the leash or long-line clipped to the dog's chest, & find them excellent, for dogs who are predatory, dog-aggro, generally reactive, or just lack a reliable recall, & need to be managed or re-trained. :) Management is control, which is step 1; training or B-Mod is step 2, when hopefully U won't need the Mgmt tool any longer, or at least, not all the time, but in specific circs.

k9 sports & exercise
Cani-cross gear, I've never used. Waist-belts to attach a leash for jogging or to walk a dog or dogs hands-free, those i've used. :)
Kathy Pickett of Nooksack Racing Supply makes excellent gear; harnesses for dogs, joring-belts for handlers, racing & working harnesses, bungee lines, tug lines, everything. U choose the color/s & the snaps or other hardware, & she makes them up. Durable, comfy for the dogs, safe.

Nooksack Racing Supply

As usual, i don't get a dime or any consideration for recommending any brand or item; I've used 'em, & I like 'em.
- terry


I do use crates - for housetraining, as safe confinement for dogs who are recovering [illness, surgery, injury...], to prevent pups or dogs swallowing or chewing dangerous items, & so on.
I've used 'em for my dogs, my pups, my clients' dogs, & for dogs in foster care who aren't adoption-ready & need B-Mod, staying with me.
I've had many ppl tell me that i'm evil - :rolleyes: Crates are cruel, how could U?!, crates are lazy, etc.

No, my dogs don't LIVE in their crates; generally, i've owned only one dog at a time, & the crate's ajar when i'm home. But not always! - when i rehabbed wildlife in my home, an Akita pup at large, or at least my Akita pup!, would have meant a corpse, toot sweet.
She was exceptionally predatory as a young dog; she had to learn a lot of self-control to become safe around others. A crate was part of preventing serious injury, until she learned it. ;)

I also highly recommend airline-approved shipping crates with rigid sides for transporting pets in the car, or anywhere else - except, of course, on public transit, when they - like us! - wear no seat-belts or other safety restraint, & are subject to the indifferent & powerful forces of momentum, mass, & force.

Soft-sided crates are silly, IME - they can collapse onto the pet, they don't hold up to chewing, or even claws - they're a waste of money, IMO; even a pet-purse of ventilated stiff leather is more protective than a mesh & nylon "carrier".
I saw a cat in my vet's waiting-room rip his way out of a soft-crate in under 3-minutes, :lol: - then he took off down the hallway, to hide under equipment in an open exam-room. It was an impromptu rodeo. :p

If U own a car, I'd recommend a proper shipping crate. A seat-belt harness is another option, with the codicil that it's not as protective, for the pet, or for the other passengers; it's up to the owner to choose. :)

- terry

Thank you everyone I feel much better now. I am very paranoid about doing things wrong with Dudley. He was an unexpected bonus to me in late life and I try to do the right things for him. I absolutely adore him and he is such a good, loving little dog.
We have just been for a really nice walk with friends and their dogs.
A country park which was quite busy but all the dogs behaved impeccably and got lots of attention from the smaller section of the community. They put up with being patted and stroked and each one asked.

I do use crates - for housetraining, as safe confinement for dogs who are recovering [illness, surgery, injury...], to prevent pups or dogs swallowing or chewing dangerous items, & so on.
I've used 'em for my dogs, my pups, my clients' dogs, & for dogs in foster care who aren't adoption-ready & need B-Mod, staying with me.
I've had many ppl tell me that i'm evil - :rolleyes: Crates are cruel, how could U?!, crates are lazy, etc.

No, my dogs don't LIVE in their crates; generally, i've owned only one dog at a time, & the crate's ajar when i'm home. But not always! - when i rehabbed wildlife in my home, an Akita pup at large, or at least my Akita pup!, would have meant a corpse, toot sweet.
She was exceptionally predatory as a young dog; she had to learn a lot of self-control to become safe around others. A crate was part of preventing serious injury, until she learned it. ;)

I also highly recommend airline-approved shipping crates with rigid sides for transporting pets in the car, or anywhere else - except, of course, on public transit, when they - like us! - wear no seat-belts or other safety restraint, & are subject to the indifferent & powerful forces of momentum, mass, & force.

Soft-sided crates are silly, IME - they can collapse onto the pet, they don't hold up to chewing, or even claws - they're a waste of money, IMO; even a pet-purse of ventilated stiff leather is more protective than a mesh & nylon "carrier".
I saw a cat in my vet's waiting-room rip his way out of a soft-crate in under 3-minutes, :lol: - then he took off down the hallway, to hide under equipment in an open exam-room. It was an impromptu rodeo. :p

If U own a car, I'd recommend a proper shipping crate. A seat-belt harness is another option, with the codicil that it's not as protective, for the pet, or for the other passengers; it's up to the owner to choose. :)

- terry

We don't have a car that will take a crate. He is always secured in the back of the car with a harness and seat belt. I do worry about him being safe in the car so maybe I can persuade my husband to get a bigger car next time we change.
I did get a safety seat for him at one time, he really stressed when he was in it and I didn't feel it was any safer than his harness, seat belt system.
Thank you everyone I feel much better now. I am very paranoid about doing things wrong with Dudley. He was an unexpected bonus to me in late life and I try to do the right things for him. I absolutely adore him and he is such a good, loving little dog.
We have just been for a really nice walk with friends and their dogs.
A country park which was quite busy but all the dogs behaved impeccably and got lots of attention from the smaller section of the community. They put up with being patted and stroked and each one asked.

Your photos do the talking! Dudley is living his best life with you :)
I can add my name to the naughty list too @Nanny71.

Cross breed owner
Flexi lead user
Collar user (up until two weeks ago, now harness)
Never fed raw
Use mobile when walking
Never been to training classes
Never used a crate

BUT I have one of the happiest spoilt dogs you’ll ever meet ;)
Okay so I'm a really bad dog owner:
I use a flexi lead
I use collars and harnesses
Not feeding raw but have done
Use mobile when walking
Ah well we all love our dogs so much :)

the saying is that every trainer ruins at least one dog - their first. :(
Luckily, Wolf was a better dog than i was a trainer, & he turned out remarkably well, despite me. :)
I had him from 10 to 21-YO, & he was the light of my life, all that time.

- terry

We don't have a car that will take a crate. He is always secured in the back of the car with a harness and seat belt. I do worry about him being safe in the car so maybe I can persuade my husband to get a bigger car next time we change.
I did get a safety seat for him at one time, he really stressed when he was in it and I didn't feel it was any safer than his harness, seat belt system.

Neither do I and the trials and tribulations I have had trying to secure Harri are legion. I have a real Heath Robinson affair at the moment which restrains him but doesn't really keep him safe in the event of an accident but none of the "proper" ones work with him!
I don't think anyone on this forum tells other people they're 'doing wrong' (with the one exception of putting themselves or their families in danger? in which case I'd say 'this could happen') but surely people can disagree? But to be honest if everyone had the same opinion about everything, what's the point of a forum. Just to log in every morning and say 'Yeah, me too!'
Often when people give advice it's along the lines of 'Do as I say, not what I do,' because quite often we'll know what the ideal is but we're human, and we rarely live up to it.

Or is that just me?:D