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Dogs/puppies Used For Fur Coats

The sad truth is dogs and cats will always be savagely treated in Asia, because the people generally have absolutely no compassion for dogs or cats, indeed any animal.

I know they have a different culture to us and they think very differently to us but I do not know why they treat animals the way they do. They simply do not see anything wrong with inflicting cruelty on animals. It’s like they’re from another world.

I hate to say this, but you dont have to go as far as Asia to find a culture which thinks inflicting pain on animals is normal behaviour, ask any of the rescues struggling in Ireland to save the poor dogs over there who are treated so badly.
Paul McCartney was on Parkinson last night, after talking about some of Paul’s tours and gigs, Parkie asked if there was any where that Paul wouldn’t play. Paul said he would never play in China and continued to give a good account of the horrors of the dog and cat fur trade in China.

He urged the public to visit his wife Heather’s website to see what’s happening in China today.

Good on yer Paul for speaking out on TV about this sickening trade in China.
hear, hear.any publicity that can be gained so people know about this and whats going on is a plus as far as im concerned.well done paul.(and im not a beatles fan!) :D