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Dogs Missing

sue greenwood

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I've been looking at the amount of dogs reported missing,lost or stolen on this site and on the running dogs between may 2nd 2003 to october 31st 2004 there has been a total of 418 dogs and on general dogs between 19th december 2003 to 23rd october 2004 a total of 296 dogs. Some of these will have been returned to their rightful owners but a lot won't. Maybe we should all have pasports made up for all of our dogs regardless of whether they are pedigree or not as it it far too distressing to lose a pet in such a manor. It makes me angry that anyone can think that they can come along and take a dog from owners premises. I would be destroyed if my dogs are taken but god help them if I was to catch up with the culprits. :rant:
What a lot of dogs - even one is too many, and means heartache for someone somewhere! :(

Sorry for being a dunce, but I don't know much about passports. How do they work, and how will they help, Sue? Presumably they make it harder for people to sell dogs on...

I'm always willing to take advice as I'm totally paranoid about having Josie stolen!

Thanks :b

It's only a thought we have passports to race whippets.We have to have a photo of each side of the dog and in the new ones we have to have twoo sides,front and back. If people had something like this plus either tattoos or chips maybe it will be easier to prove ownership and cut down on theft. Only a suggestion.
Hi Sue,

I'm just about to train as an animal tattooist.
Microchipping's a top way to identify your dog as yours, especially since the chip could be anywhere in the body so is harder for a bad dog-stealing *rude word* to detect. Tattoos are also really good but I have heard awful tales of ears being chopped off so that dogs cannot be identified in this way.

Maisie was chipped by the SSPCA when I got her, which is ace because I also got a free tag for her collar - I like that people can see that she's identified when she's out and about. Also excellent that I didn't have to do it myself because then she'd have hated me forever - I'm still not forgiven for that terrible agonising vaccination jab I gave her! We haven't actually chipped Austin yet ... I'm still trying to find someone daft enough to steal the little bugger ... <G>

There's a new scheme to sample sheep for a disease called scrapie, and every sampled sheep must be permanently identified - they do this by putting a weighted microchip into their stomach so that nobody can mess with it - cool, eh?! :- "
you fined the dogs thatave there ears cut off tentto be greyhounds and its so you carnt identify the owner of the dog. i will be first in the que to get the 2 of mine that arent tattoed done there allready chipped and have tags on there houesand outdoor collers you can never take to many precortions and i take pics of my dogs from all angels myself and have the race cards for my greyhounds whitch have all there markings maped out on them.

Mark that is brill. We need someone who tattoos dogs on the open racing circuit. I need some of my dogs doing and I know of others who would have their dogs done.
A lot of the dogs going missing at the moment seem to be being scared by fireworks. :(

After years of having dogs and cats that aren't bothered. Actually Molly Mogg used to enjoy the firework displays and sat and watched them. My Giant Schnauzer (fearless German guarding breed) was terrified of them. Now he's gone Fern's developed the problem. None of the other dogs give a damn. What gets me is that none of my dogs even blink at gun shot and we have that happening a fair bit around here due farmers defending their fowl from foxes.

Luckily we don't have many fireworks going off around here. Just the odd night of it.
ILoveKettleChips said:
There's a new scheme to sample sheep for a disease called scrapie, and every sampled sheep must be permanently identified - they do this by putting a weighted microchip into their stomach so that nobody can mess with it - cool, eh?!  :- "
I would be a little loathed to do this as vets put magnets into cows stomach to catch wires they have swallowed whilst eating silage.Then when one cow came on heat and started jumping on other cows the magnet tore a hole in it's stomach. Piper is chipped which is moving down her shoulder from the back of her neck where it was inserted. hopefully it won't move much more.
Sometime someone will come up with the ideal way to mark a dog so it can be identified.

Glad to hear your doing tattoos Mark.You'll be very busy.
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sue greenwood said:
I would be a little loathed to do this as vets put magnets into cows stomach to catch wires they have swallowed whilst eating silage.Then when one cow came on heat and started jumping on other cows the magnet tore a hole in it's stomach.
That's because due to the cow's anatomy the wire often penetrates the stomach wall and causes abscesses and pericarditis (it stabs the covering of the heart and starts a huge infection). When this happens, unless you do something drastic (eg magnet in the rumen), the cow will die, so there's rhyme in the reasoning, promise! :))
I accept the reason for why they do it I've worked with cows for far too long and I know you're a vet.But I do feel sticking things in animal stomachs can cause other problems.I've seen cows go down hill very fast when they have taken in wires And it is very distressing.I'm just hoping someone will invent a way of identifying dogs for owners without causing them any other complications.
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the forms gone in just waiting for the date to start training now.
Some other countries tattoo dogs on the inner thigh rather than the ear.
Helena said:
BeeJay said:
Some other countries tattoo dogs on the inner thigh rather than the ear.
That's a good idea.
<stands in queue along with every other K9er for her dogs to get their legs tattooed> Can mine say 'I'm really slow and lame and neutered so please don't steal me'?
Our dogs asked if he can have a tattoo of a bitch in Stockings ect on his thigh and Race & Show accross his front toes :b
Mark Roberts said:
Our dogs asked if he can have a tattoo of a bitch in Stockings ect on his thigh and Race & Show accross his  front toes  :b
Excellent!!! Ella wants "food" & "food" on her toes though :D