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Dog with Sty’s


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Has anyone’s dog suffered with sty’s before?

Poor Dennis has been in the wars this last month with a bad tummy and now he has sty’s in both his eyes :-(

I’ve been applying a hot compress twice a day. He’s been so good and has allowed me to do this whilst he eats his chicken Kong! But they haven’t improved.

Spoke with the vet today (after already seeing him last week about them)and he said to try and massage the eyes to release the blockage. Not looking forward to trying that :confused:
Golden Ointment (antibacterial) from the chemist might help. Don't tell them it's for Dennis.
Thats a shame . Í hope the ointment works.

Thank you. Me too :-( tonight I have been massaging the eyelids whilst also applying compress.
He’s such a good boy - let’s me do it with no fuss
I can't find a chemist where I can get Golden eye ointment they seem to of stopped stocking it,but I bought a couple of them from Ebay
If you have trouble getting it Brolene eye drops are very good not as good as Gloden eye though:)
I'm sure I saw it in Lloyds quite recently. I hope it hasn't gone out of stock.
Ointment and warm compresses worked for us
Thanks all.

This morning I made sure to use a firm massage on the eyes whilst applying hot compress - Dennis didn’t bat an eyelid (excuse the pun) and I think the lumps have reduced slightly! Fingers crossed - if not, off for ointment tomorrow
The ointment’s brilliant Josie, used it on my pony’s eyes when they were a bit gunky, worked wonders and recommended by the vet ! Wouldn’t hurt to have some at home just in case you have any more sty’s . Hope Dennis is doing ok now, bless him.
Thanks @Mayblossom - I did ask the vet if there was some drops/ointment originally but he didn’t suggest any.
Brought mine from the chemist Josie ;) how’s Dennis doing now?
Hi @Mayblossom his lumps are getting much better but getting the ointment today. We were away this weekend and had no access to a chemist.

Is this the right stuff @Mayblossom @JoanneF?
That’s it Josie :) pleased his lumps are getting better, must be uncomfortable,bless him
Great stuff I always keep a couple of tubes handy:)
It’s a yellow coloured gel type consistency and cones out of the tube in a very narrow string, try to get it into his eyes around the stye and it will make it’s way to the infected areas ( bit hard to explain :D) don’t let your fingers touch the ointment, if possible , avoids risk of anything from your fingers getting to his eye. If someone can hold his eye still ( not easy ) then you can aim the ointment in the right direction :)
Thanks @Mayblossom - he’s pretty good at letting us do anything if he is focussed on food.

Is it dangerous if it gets onto the actual eye?

Sorry for all the questions!