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Dog Whistle Training


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Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if anybody has any whippets trained using a dog whistle? The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to train my dogs to come without having to yell their names across the field (at half 5 in the morning!!!).

Thats the main command which I would like to teach, can anyone help or recommend any books etc??
jezza said:
Hi everyone,
I was just wondering if anybody has any whippets trained using a dog whistle? The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to train my dogs to come without having to yell their names across the field (at half 5 in the morning!!!).

Thats the main command which I would like to teach, can anyone help or recommend any books etc??

Hiya.Grace my whippet is whistle trained to recall.Trying to teach a whippy anything else with a whistle is a laugh on their part!!!!Ha Ha.As I walk and train dogs for a living Grace learnt very quickly.If you would like to know how I taught my dogs please feel free to PM me and I will tell you how.Also silent whistles do not work.The reason I have not posted how to do it is because someone will always disagree and do it differently.

Hi Jezza, I have trained my runaway lurcher to come back to a whistle. She used to vanish on walks & join other peoples walks if I was on the way back home. I could yell till I was blue in the face but she wouldn't come back till she was ready :rant: Someone recommended getting her whistle trained & it worked brilliantly. I started off at home in the house, just 2 short blasts on the whistle & give a treat. Before long (She's a fast learner & a "foodie") she would come flying in from another room then progress into the garden from the house & out again. I then went into the park when it was quiet & no distractions & just built it up from there. I don't need to use it often as she doesn't vanish as often as she used to but if I do whistle she is there instantly. But there has to be a food reward or else she will just bark at me till she gets something. She has me very well trained now :- "

Good Luck, it was the best bit of advice I've ever been given & has probably saved my vocal cords (& my sanity (w00t) )

I've got Inca trained to the whistle took her a week or two to pick it up but its great no more shouting :thumbsup:

I agree with graciepup about difference of opinion...feel free to pm me to hear how I trained Inca. :thumbsup:
:( what a shame that hellybobs and graciepup feel unable to post their methods for 'fear' of being critised by others - exactly the way I feel about sharing opinions on this site :(
Can't offer any advice about actual training, only to say that mine learn from the others and I find that they react far better to the whistle when I really want them.

Prime example was this morning at 7.00 am, as you say you don't want to be bawling at the top of your voice at them, and I was on a tight timescale so couldn't mess about waiting for any of them but I couldn't see Sophie for love nor money. She had head down troughing calf poo somewhere in the field, I walked down the field calling her but nothing and normally she is Little Miss Goody Four Shoes. I got to the bottom of the field and decided to whistle her ..................... she came instantly, at the canter!!!! Now she might just have finished that particular dollop of poo anyway but certainly the reaction was instant and she returned to me quickly rather than saunter down the field, which is what she would normally do.

Ours are all trained to the whistle,my OH trained gundogs (HPR'S which are very strong willed) and when we got the whippets many years ago he kind of just treated them like gundogs! (w00t) and the fact that they work as well as show means that really they have to be obedient and you cant be out bawling at them. They all recall to the whistle,sit to it, and they even have a blast that means stop what you are doing!! One of them will even sit at a distance on the whistle blast. So I can heartily recommend it.We just use an ordinary Acme whistle avaiable from any gundog stockist,also for reading material I would recommend any of the books for training gundogs (and there are many) Keith Erlandson does a very good one called "Gundog Training" and it is very informative although it is quite expensive new,but I am sure you can buy them 2nd hand on ebay now for a relatively reasonable price,you can most likely get the whistle on there too.

Hope this helps you out a bit. ;)
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Thanks for all your replies :)

I have pm'd a couple of you and now I'm off on ebay to look for books and whistles!

So do the dog whistles not work very well then? The field where I take them in the morning is overlooked by houses so I'm just trying to decide if people would rather be woken by me shouting or me blowing a whistle :lol:
jezza said:
Thanks for all your replies  :)
I have pm'd a couple of you and now I'm off on ebay to look for books and whistles!

So do the dog whistles not work very well then? The field where I take them in the morning is overlooked by houses so I'm just trying to decide if people would rather be woken by me shouting or me blowing a whistle  :lol:

The dog whistles work excellently,the Acme ones anyway,I think the silent ones are the ones that are difficult to use properly...........probably because you cant hear if they are working or not!! (w00t) (w00t)
Must admit i same time whistle for zeb if his not caming straight back,It sametimes works and at other times he just carriers on like nothing has happened. :- "

I do agree with Yvette, its such a shame when you feel that you cant offer help openly, There is another site that i sametimes go on, that you cant say alot of things (like raw feeding is a big no no) With that site you my even be thown of the site completly for bringing it up in the frist place :- " Anyway iv had my little whige know, im happy.
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I too, use a whistle, also an Acme for my lot. MOST of the time they come straight away (w00t) . We used to live by the beach so when the wind was blowing hard you couldn't hear even me yelling! :lol: Don't be shy guys, I'd love to know how you trained your dogs to come to the whistle. I did mine with treats. :D :thumbsup:
Hi Jezza, I have trained my runaway lurcher to come back to a whistle. She used to vanish on walks & join other peoples walks if I was on the way back home. I could yell till I was blue in the face but she wouldn't come back till she was ready  Someone recommended getting her whistle trained & it worked brilliantly. I started off at home in the house, just 2 short blasts on the whistle & give a treat. Before long (She's a fast learner & a "foodie") she would come flying in from another room then progress into the garden from the house & out again. I then went into the park when it was quiet & no distractions & just built it up from there. I don't need to use it often as she doesn't vanish as often as she used to but if I do whistle she is there instantly. But there has to be a food reward or else she will just bark at me till she gets something. She has me very well trained now  Good Luck, it was the best bit of advice I've ever been given & has probably saved my vocal cords (& my sanity  )

some good tips there thanks!!! Now ive got a third dog (who isent trained) my other 2 dogs are picking up bad habits from her like,,,, running off and not comming back on the recall, and its hard work shouting 3 back specially when they are 0-60 dogs in 2 seconds flat :lol: Ive been wanting to train them back on the whistle so I am going to give this ago now.... Tina good idea with the ref whistle , I spent a tenner on a dog whistle and its crap lol
please please dont think you cant share you tips :( , i wouldnt know half of what i do if it werent for people like yourselves who are in the know. (w00t)

I hate people having a go, cause they think their way is best....every dog is different and so is the owner.... :- "

so come on tip away :thumbsup:
Another thing I have tried, with one at a time. In a really safe place try hiding when your dog isn't looking. Suddenly they realise you are not in sight and start to panic. Stand up and call/whistle, works a treat but it must be in a very safe place with no other dogs snd no escape.
Another thing I have tried, with one at a time. In a really safe place try hiding when your dog isn't looking. Suddenly they realise you are not in sight and start to panic. Stand up and call/whistle, works a treat but it must be in a very safe place with no other dogs snd no escape.
This is a great way to train your dog to stay close. If mine go to far out the way I hide behind a tree or something and watch them running up and down in a panic till they find me , :lol: its funny really but it does teach them to keep their eyes on where you are!!
By all means please share your training tips. It doesn't matter if people agree or not - sometimes having a few different ways of doing it lets people pick and choose what will work for them and their dog.

chelynnah said:
By all means please share your training tips.  It doesn't matter if people agree or not - sometimes having a few different ways of doing it lets people pick and choose what will work for them and their dog.

Well said. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

By the way, I really love the signature pic of your girls Wendy :wub: :wub: - keep meaning to ask how it is done.
chelynnah said:
By all means please share your training tips.  It doesn't matter if people agree or not - sometimes having a few different ways of doing it lets people pick and choose what will work for them and their dog.

I've replied to other peoples posts asking for help/advise before and I either get ignored or get someone having a go because they think its wrong...

I've had loads of tips and picked up stuff from here thats help me and my girls and I feel that if I can help others by telling them whats worked for me then great but it doesn't always work that way :(

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but thats the way I see it :(
~Sarah~ said:
chelynnah said:
By all means please share your training tips.  It doesn't matter if people agree or not - sometimes having a few different ways of doing it lets people pick and choose what will work for them and their dog.

Well said. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

By the way, I really love the signature pic of your girls Wendy :wub: :wub: - keep meaning to ask how it is done.


Thank you - it's from a photograph and I created the effect using a tutorial for Paint Shop Pro.
