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Dog peeing at night yet dry all day


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I'm after some advice please.

We have a 4yr old Cain Terrier, had since a pup. For the past 2-3 months we have been getting up each morning to pee on the kitchen floor but not on the pads we put down. This happens every weekday but not on a weekend. He gets up out at 9pm when we head up stairs and we get up generally wound 6ish.

Now i have to admit he doesn't get walked as much as we would like but he is still a very active dog and has plenty of garden to run around. Both my partner & I work, so he is on his own for at least 7-8 hours a day and he doesn't mess at all.

I will say that over the past 6 months we have moved house, my partner and I have been through IVF (and failed) which has obviously left us a little out of sorts. Our pooch did suffer from a bit of separation anxiety after the house move which we believe we have combated but i have noticed he becomes not scared but timid when voices are raised and he hides under our coffee table.

At times i admit i have cussed him over his peeing but now i don't say a word and just put him out when i get up.

He is a very loving dog and is always striving for affection, which he gets in bucket loads from the hubby. I just wish i could find out the problem and solution to his over night peeing.

Any help or advice anyone can give will be very much appreciated as i'm starting to hate having to walk in my kitchen first thing.

Oh i will also add that he knows when he has done wrong as he wont leave his cage until coaxed a little, however when he does have dry nights i give him lots of praise and he comes bounding out to greet me. Also this has happened before at previous houses but never for this length of time.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

If he has a crate, and is happy in it, I would shut the door over night. He is an adult dog and, if he is healthy, should be able to hold on all night. I would take him out for a wee last thing before bed and reward him for doing it. In fact I would go right back to basics and take him out for all his wees and reward him immediately he does one. You have to be quick to reward, so that he hasn't come towards you, so that he knows why he got the treat. In other word, for the wee and not coming towards you.

If you have been using pads to train him as a puppy he may be confuse about where he is supposed to toilet. By giving dogs pads or paper to pee on we are training them to toilet indoors. So going back to re training him, using rewards, to toilet outside would be the best thing for him.

Do try to give him some walks too. All dogs need some stimulation in their lives :)