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Dog off lead attacked my dog


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I was walking my jack Russell today when he was attacked by a St. Bernard who was off the lead. The St. Bernard was being walked by a teenager and a kid, had no collar on and as soon as it saw my jack Russell it ran across the road in front of a car and tried to bite my dog. My dog had been having one of his better days walking and wasn't paying much attention to other dogs but obviously when it went for him he was trying to bite back. The guy walking the dog stood on the other side of the road watching when I tried to pick my dog up, I eventually had to say to him to come and get his dog. This is the second time this dog has went for mine. The first time it was out on his own wandering the streets. Is there anyone you can contact about this? It can't be safe to have such a big dog running around off a lead, especially when it goes for other dogs and runs out in front of cars. It's also quite scary when a dog the size of a St. Bernard is running towards you, not sure if me or my dog was more scared.

Thanks in advance
How awful for you, I hope you and your dog are ok. Your local council should have a dog officer who can go and have a word with the owners.
Yep get in touch with council and say it's not the first time it happend, contact police and again voice your view, they may not do a thing but Uve made contact, rcpca also, it's idiots like this who do my head in..
Bloody idiots like this annoy me so much

I only know this because of a dog attack we suffered..

Nothing can be done unless you take them to court yourselves . While it's an offence to have an out of control dog in a public place and it's against the law not to have a tag on your dog out and about no one will do anything . The little dog I was with was on a lead held by a five year old in a country park . An off lead terrier attacked him badly and the owner just stood and laughed . The five year old still had hold of the lead screaming and I had hold of a one year old was awful. The park wardens said nothing could be done about a dog on dog attack the dog wardens and police confirmed this. Unless the dog is a service dog no one will do anything..of course of there are vets bills involved you can go down the civil prosecution route but you have to know where the owner's and dog live to do that. I now carry a spray that hurts dogs eyes but won't cause any damage because I'm so sick of this happening in my area. If I had to save my dog or a child I wouldn't hesitate to use it I'm afraid
Up here in Scotland I believe your third offence and you could lose your dog. I mainly walk with steel too cap boots and I have and will again use them from a attack off lead dog. As raven as said I'm fed up.
And this is why now i HATE walking my dogs. I'm soo sorry you and your dog had to go through this, I hope you get this owner sorted. 1 of the biggest annoying things about dog walkiing is idiots who have no control over their dog and even worse when they don't give 2 hoots over what their dog does, they don't think of the distress they cause to other dogs and their owners. I hope you are both ok!
You should report a dog attack to the police and the dog warden now,the more evidence you have they have to act upon it