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Dog licencing - what do you think?


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Following on from the debate on ITV This Morning.

The Dangerous Dog Expert man suggested we bring back Dog Licensing - for say £20 with a £50 penalty for those found without one...

What do you think?
i havnt got a problem with it but stress that we good owners are yet again going to pay for no fault of ours but the numpty waster owners who break laws on a daily basis, if its not exspensive then yes but dont see why again we pay pay pay pay pay again and again, its like we havea problem so hit everybody with it, makes me sick..
I think there needs to be a register where dog owners must record how many dogs they own in their household, the type of dogs, colour and microchip number and also state who is the main owner of the dog.

If this is done as part of the dog licence then fair enough.

Those who don't have a licence or those who don't register enough details are first fined £50 and if they haven't updated there details within a month they then have the dog taken off them.

For this to work we need more dog wardens.

Problem is if you just had a dog licence and a fine, a lot of people will take the risk a bit like people do with car insurance.

The deterrent needs to be significant for it to work.

Fines are one way, but other punishments could be that they are only allowed to keep one dog if causing a nuisance, or if they are caught not cleaning up after there dog. You could have a ban on owning a dog for a period of time etc.

There are many ways to do this they just need to think outside the box and not just punish the 'good' owners all the time.
I would imagine this, despite all the good intentions, would be difficult to police. I would like to see more done at grass roots level, with dog breeding, expecting breeders to be licensed, irrespective of how many litters or how frequently they breed. Particular attention being paid to who they allow to purchase their pups. Also going on to look at rescues, making sure that all dogs are properly assessed and potential owners being made aware what the assessment results were. Then it would be fair and right have owners monitored.