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Dog Flaps


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Moving house soon, and was thinking about getting Amber a dog flap .... :wacko:

But some people say in the long run makes it so they "cant wait" due to the fact they can go to the toilet "whenever"?????

Has anyone else got one?

Just thought it would be handy for her when im at work, obviously the garden would be secure etc, so she couldnt escape (not that she would! o:) )

also could the cat use a dog flap? would she be strong enough? or will i have to have 2 holes in my door???? :unsure:
I have never had a dog flap but I would always be concerned that if a dog can get out then who can get in.
i have a dog flap, i would'nt be without mine and both my cats use it too :thumbsup: there has been times when iv closed mine overnight as where i live the wind howls round the house and blows the flap open and my dogs still have'nt messed in the house, the down side is the noise the flap makes when 7 dogs go out for wee's first thing in the morning!
I used to have a dog flap at my old house where I had a huge secure garden for the dogs to run around in.

The advantages are:

They can let themselves out during the day or when you are out. No accidents when you are delayed in getting home.

helps relieve their boredom when you are out.


They are quite noisy and may irritate the neighbours at certain times of the day.

I discovered my dogs barked a lot in my absence at passers-by who they could hear but not see. Living on an estate, this wasn't ideal.

My timid whippet Fred couldn't use it, as he didn't like the contact on his back.

If you move again to somewhere where you can't use a dog flap, your dogs are more inclined to have accidents in the house, as they haven't learned to go at set times or stand/bark at the door.

There will be times you want to lock the dog flap (overnight) so try and be consistent with this.
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When we built our house I splashed out and got a Plexidor fitted - it has spring loaded perspex doors that open like saloon doors rather than the normal flap. My OH nearly killed me when he saw how much it cost :eek: :angry: and at the time I felt quite sick at the thought of paying all that money for a dog flap, but I have to say it was a good investment. It's very quiet and practically draught proof, which was important as the doors to our garden are off the sitting room, and I didn't fancy a permanent draught in there. I think you can get them much cheaper if you buy through the american website, although not 100% sure about that.

Every house I've ever lived in with dogs has had a dog flap so I didn't really think about not putting one in, but I can definitely see why there are disadvantages to them. Ours both figured it out soon enough (my boy super quickly, the clever clogs o:) ) I like being able to give them that extra bit of freedom for a snuffle around at will.

we have a dog flap and have never had a problem wwith dogs not waiting to go to the loo

i have 8 dogs indoors and work in the mornings so they are left from 9 till 1 and even our pup waits till i get home

dog flaps are in my opinion a great investment but eveyone has different views on how they feel about them

hope this helps

kristy xx
sorry should of put while i am at work the flap is locked as our hskies are escape artists if left totally unattened
I've never had a dog flap but my brother did. One day his house got broken into they had come in through the dog flap it was kids but they stole a lot and made a right mess
oakmoorehill said:
I've never had a dog flap but my brother did. One day his house got broken into they had come in through the dog flap it was kids but they stole a lot and made a right mess
That would worry me too and I wouldn't want the dogs going out when I wasnt at home.
Burglaries occuring through dog flaps are not uncommon, even happens with cat flaps :thumbsup:
i can beileve that jo, after all they dont have to fit through the flap, if the key is in the door they could put their arm through and unlock the door.

i am very lucky with where i live and the way my garden is fenced, but i agree that they might not be for everyone and if i moved house i would think very long and hard about having another, although they can be locked for when your not at home.
thats it, im really un-security concerned. i hardly ever lock anything :oops: im rubbish i just forget and i grew up in a real nice area so now i think everywhere is like that,

but ..... if someone did break in via that i wouldnt be very pleased :unsure: