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dog clicker


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Hi just got first pup a cavachon and was going to try clciker training but my local maxi zoo wants 20euro for a clicker which i think is way 2 pricey and surly there must as they say be an app for that which there is i downloaded one but it is way too big and the adds are very annoying and come up all the time so i downloaded another but it does not work can annyone recommend an app for dog clicker cos everyone i have tried just sucks thanks allso can anyone recommend a way to stop a cavachon eating a rug cos otherwise im gonna kill him :)
I'd have thought it was much easier to use a standard clicker than an app - it's much easier to hold and operate. You can get them for under £4 on Amazon.

As for pup eating the rug - simply remove the rug for now, and replace it when he's got through the chewing phase. Giving him plenty of things he can chew on will also reduce chewing what you don't want him to chew.
thanks i know i can get them online cheaper but maxi zoo are a rip off i have tried loads of clicker apps until i get one for a fair price online or otherwise in case its of use to anyone else the best one i have found is [deleted by mod] there are no adds and it works as for the rug well i think i need a new one already but ill get rid of it in case he eats the new one when i get it thanks for reply
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Timmytimmy, just so you're aware, I've deleted the link from your post as this is a common method used by spammers. Not that I'm accusing you of spamming - we have to err on the side of caution.
i Clickers are the best & cost under £2 in UK