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Dog Attack

You ARE going to make them pay the vet bill arent you????

:rant: Unless you take them to court - at your expense - you cannot force them to , then if they're on benefit of any kind you might as well forget it :rant:
I see what you say Indee but i was walking in the street where i live and he broke through the fence to get at Billy! Does the dog see the street as his territory as well?
Not so much the street but if you imagine, he is unaware that the fence is there to keep him in and mark the border of the garden; he will just see it as you and dogs passing the bottom of his territory.

Lot's of peoples dogs will run down to the fence and bark, some try to get through to chase them away, but unfortunately this dog is stronger than the temporary fencing!

It is the owners in the wrong here and not the dogs fault, he just needs to be controlled.

I hope Billy is feeling better, and is okay walking on the lead, Milo was attacked twice by two different boxers (the latter time needing six stitches) whilst on the lead. Ever since then Milo is "iffy" with dogs larger than him when he is on the lead, sometimes he is good a gold but sometimes he barks aggressively or bares his teeth and raises his hackle. He is superb off lead though. But ever since then Milo has hated boxers (or any dog that has the squashed face such as Mastiffs and bulldogs) and he can spot one a mile off. So I hope Billy isn't traumatized by this event.
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I have been thinking about your situation all day. Rather than answer with an emotional response (I really would have!), I thought it better to let it gel a while.

One thing I have learnt is that if you have a disagreement with your neighbours, it can make life very uncomfortable, particularly if we are talking children/animals. However, this situation is potentially life threatening for a small animal or child. The very first thing I would do is to make yourself aware of your legal position. Quietly visit CAB or a solicitor, dog warden, police or all of them and learn how the law works in these cases.

When you are armed with the facts, decide the best course of action in a calm and detatched manner. If the dog is perceived by yourself as a true threat and a dagerous animal, move on to the next stage. I would face up to the neighbour and calmly explain what I was going to do, and why. If they are warned, it may prevent a potentially explosive situation, then, carry out the course of action. Show you mean it and gather support from others living around. They may be too frightened to get directly involved, but you will at least feel supported if they agree with you.

Good luck!

For what it's worth, we had a GSD for a while, she nipped the hand of a paper delivery man and we got taken to court. Never had happened before or after, but the case went through. If it hd happened again, she would have been destroyed.

As a breed, they are a lethal weapon and very unpredictable.perhaps with the exception of this one who sounds like it could be a death machine :(
Roedeane said:
You ARE going to make them pay the vet bill arent you????
:rant: Unless you take them to court - at your expense - you cannot force them to , then if they're on benefit of any kind you might as well forget it :rant:

But its worth asking them to cough up...
No police or dog wardens have contacted me today, but by coincidence i saw the man who owns the dog in question whilst i was taking Billy and Ellie out for a short walk.

He has apologised, siad his wife will talk to me about the dog vet bill, and that the police and dog warden have contacted him about the attack.

I apologised for shouting and swearing at thim last night which he accepted and said if was any comfort his family didnt have a good night either.

He didnt think Billy was hurt until i showed him the wounds and he genuinly was shocked

by the hole in Billys chest which also on cue as i showed him dripped a blob of blood on the pavement!

He said it was a catologue of errors that ended up with the attack ie fence weak his wife on the phone distracted as i walked past.

He doesnt see this as an excuse but an explanation.

What i find hard to swallow is the fact that he seems to think the problem is that my son has allegedly continually teased it and it hates my family including my dogs cos of this.

I always check my sons behaviour and ive even asked neighbours to tell me if they have seen him near the fence/dog to tell me and no one even if after asking some today have seen him doing this.

I told him again i dont want this to happen to anyone or thing again, and said i didnt think his wife would be able to stop her dog attacking in public on a walk,

he also denied that the dog had bitten either my son or the girl across the road.

Maybe bitten to him is severe lacerations and a lot of blood. He said his dog had scratched the girl with his teeth, which is in his mind different.

He said he didnt think his dog would live much longer as he is 11yrs old now, to which i without thinking said good, then said sorry! He said he understood.

Hopefully they will pay vet bill for me and be really ultra careful now and a repeat of this is avoided, cant help feeling that i wish dog had bitten me instead might have got a more speedy response from police and warden to me instead. :(

I see myself as lucky now as i still have my two beautiful whippys and some people were not so luckyin similer circumstances.

Will keep u updated, thamks for all advice and concern its been a great comfort and leveller. :thumbsup:
Crikey , I didnt realise the dogs was that old :eek: I assumed it was a youngster who they had trouble handling , but 11years ! has the dog always been a pain, or only just the last couple of years ?

What ever, it dosnt excuse what it did to your whip and other peps does it :angry: but at 11 years old youd think it would be taking life easy , I wonder it has something wrong with it , to make it so aggresive . Ive just thought , as it goes for peps who touch it , maybe its eye sight is going , and as for going for your boy , he wouldnt need to see him , just smell him , and maybe he couldnt see the fence he went through :oops: as i said , just a thought . but as you said , with a bit of luck it might not be around for too much longer :oops:

Hope your nerves are more settled now and Billy on the mend , My Woody was attacked at 10 months by a border colllie :rant: he still hs a large scar on his side from 10 years ago :rant: and now hates all black . black/ white dogs , and so do most of my gang now too . Lets hope Billy dosnt get a dislike for large black/ tan dogs :luck:
Really sorry to hear about Billy! :(

Hope he recovers quickly.

I had a similar problem a few years ago.

After I had rushed Harry to the vets and I had recovered from the shock I spoke to the owner of the attacker. She didn't want to know and still carried on walking her dog off the lead etc.

So I called the Police who came out and looked at the dog. They said that they saw how nasty this dog was and gave the owner a warning to keep it on the lead etc. They also gave me her address so that I could take her to the small claims court (which I decided against as it's too much hassle and the owner wasn't working anyway)

Knowing that it was only a matter of time before this dog attacked again I also sort legal advice and there wasn't much that I could do.

However I did here later on that the dog had attacked again and the Police were involved again. That time the dog was put to sleep but I'm not sure if it was forced by the police or if the owner came to her senses.

You should go and report it to the police and at the very least you know that you have tried your best and if anything happens again in the future you wont feel so bad.

Don't feel bad because they are your neighbours! It's their fault they don't have the dog muzzled and kept on a lead. It's also their fault that they encourage children to pat it when they know what it might do!!!

Good luck

Cleopatra said:
No police or dog wardens have contacted me today, but by coincidence i saw the man who owns the dog in question whilst i was taking Billy and Ellie out for a short walk.

Was it you at the back of Tesco? I was driving home from work last night and spotted two Whippies in their coats, I would have stopped but you were talking to someone (if it was you? lol :lol: )

O I meant to ask it's not the 'white Alsation' is it?? :eek: I've always been extremely nervous of that dog when we see it over the park? :unsure:

I hope Billy's feeling better today :huggles:
Apparently talking to someone who knows them for longer than me, seems to think he hasnt been quiet right since having a leg injury years ago and was confined to house.

The dog warden has been in contact with me today and said that he has previously taken her dog out after biting my son and doesnt think the dog is aggressive, but maybe the lady who owns him has lost confidence and transfers her fear down the lead. Doesnt explain the unprovoked attack on Billy, just that they dont like each other maybe.

The dog warden said he will suggest she has the dog muzzled in future so no future accidents occur, i personally hope so cos if im out with son and or Billy i will be scared cos the family will not be able to handle him, anda another attack i think is almost inevitable in my view, lets hope common sense prevails.

Maybe he does go for us more cos we are scared of him i dont know.

Lets see what they decide on, cos i said something would happen and it was us again!

I did suggest a muzzle in public before and it never happened. This attack occured cos she apparently was on the phone and was distracted wilst he was let out in the garden, and we happened to be walking past not knowing he was there until he burst through temporary fencing snapping growling biting straight for Billy!

I dont know what flips in his head but something does cos he can perfectly normal then snap, maybe someone with GSD might have a clue. You get no signs or warning at all.

Good point about sight but why then when i was talking with the owner perfectly normally with her dog by her side why did he after being sat quietly for a while suddenly jump up at my face to bite me?Thats what i dont understand.

My nerves are more settled and Billy is being the little darling he always is and hasnt complained once :huggles:

Jax poor Woody :( That sort of story makes me feel so lucky, i took Billy out for a walk yesterday and he was very quiet and shaky but we saw a couple of dogs and he didnt mind so fingers crossed. He doesdnt like a couple of dogs round our way cos they seem to just bark and growl at him in the street and ive started to notice if Billy see them now while we are out he will start barking first now. Something i will have to keep an eye on i think.

I have reported it to the police and dog warden and they are going round to see her to discuss the situation, i just want the dog to be under control thats all, and thats all ive ever wanted apart from straight after events when i said i wished it was dead :oops:

I think i will get my vet bill money back as they havent said they are NOT going to pay up only that they want to discus it with me. Ive told them how much the bill was and i cant really be expected to pay for this as it wasnt my fault.

Lets hope it all gets dealt with sensibly :)
Yep that was us and the man that owns the dog :lol:

No its not the white Alsation at the park, that Alsation ive never had a problem with, his owner told me he rescued him from Greece!

Its a black one with a little bit of tan. And a lady walking it looks like she is being dragged along, and the man i was talking to outside the Back of Tescos walks him in the evenings.

Billy is fine thanks, he just a little deer who doesnt complain :wub: :huggles: :wub: , you know that Las Vegas :lol:
That was him was it?! (w00t) I should have stopped and made a huge fuss about owners who can't keep their dogs under control ;)

So the white Alsation is innocent :lol: I never know where I am with that dog, one minute it's lunging at Alfie the next it's playing with yorkshire terriers? :wacko:

Billy is fine thanks, he just a little deer who doesnt complain    , you know that Las Vegas
He really is a little deer! :wub: .... which makes the whole thing even more sad :( Glad he's not been too phased by it all :huggles:
Sorry I didn't explain properly on my previous post.

The dog that attacked my Harry had attacked dogs and bitten someones hand before he attacked my little boy.

Since then he has attacked again & again. All this could have been avoided if the owner had listened to several people including myself & the police about wearing a muzzel. Unfortunately like so many owners these days they don't pay any attention! I didn't request that the dog was put to sleep and I wouldn't wish that to happen! The poor dog concerned had been re homed 3 times and I guess in the end there was little choice if the owner couldn't act responsively.

my sister in law had an alsatian years ago.when i first went to see her when id had my daughter it sat there fine then as soon as i stood up with my baby it flew at her. :( this dog had been a bit unpredictable before but it had never gone for me.i think it was cos it didnt know the baby so maybe it was scared of it and as we all know theres nothing worse than a fear biter,they can be so unpredictable
Yesterday owner of alsation came round with cheque for dog bill saynig he couldnt deny what happened, so that was good. :thumbsup:

Unfortunatley met woman out with dog today UNMUZZLED luckily she saw me dog didnt and she went the other way :sweating:

Made me really nervous about taking my dogs out now :angry:

Still no call from police will give them a ring today to see what is happening.

Cleopatra said:
Yesterday owner of alsation came round with cheque for dog bill saynig he couldnt deny what happened, so that was good. :thumbsup: Unfortunatley met woman out with dog today UNMUZZLED luckily she saw me dog didnt and she went the other way :sweating:

Made me really nervous about taking my dogs out now :angry:

Still no call from police will give them a ring today to see what is happening.


Brilliant news that he has coughed up! Half a result anyway. I would still write a letter of complaint to the Dog Warden though, they are the ones more likely to get the dog muzzled than the Police.
Poor Billy I do hope he is on the mend. What a horrible frightening experience you both had.

I had a longhair GSD he was the soppiest, softest dog you could ever wish to have. In fact he was frightened of most of the dogs that came up to say hello to him. One of our neighbours had a whippet at the time called Sally and he used to love playing with her as she was so gentle, he used to be knackered trying to chase her. If we were in the park and a dog came running up to us he would start to run in the opposite direction :- " It was a bit embarassing but much better than him being aggressive!

Police came round to take a statement they stayed for two hours and were very symathetic, they will go and talk to the owners about their dogs behaviour and hopefully she will agree to muzzle it in future. If she doesnt agree to muzzle it the only way i can get her to do it i think is to take her to court. The dog warden seems to be on the GSDs side saying it is a lovely dog and he doesnt think its a problem dog at all, the last conversation i had with him he seemed to come round to the idea of having it muzzled in public, lets hope he sees sense this time somone or something might not be so lucky next time.

Billy doesnt seem too bad considering what he has been through, the only thing i have noticed is that he really shakes now when i examine him. :( im sure in time he will not be so scared.