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Doesn't drink water but then???


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We've had Bruce since June a rescue from Dogs Trust. He's been amazing and settled really well. He's on a Raw diet and I know dogs on a raw diet don't drink much. He always has fresh water available. However we've noticed over time he really doesn't drink much at all never when he's out from, puddles or bowls outside pubs etc. This is despite trying to encourage him to drink using different bowls in different places around the house. Tonight my wife put a drop of milk in his bowl which was full (1.5Lt) and he gulped it down the whole lot :eek:
What's going on? is he just fussy? is it possible some dogs just don't like water??
Lots of dogs don't like to drink from bowls that other dogs use - I read it's an instinctive thing to protect from cross infection. But as you have found, a spoonful of milk does wonders for making water a tiny bit sweeter. If anyone reading later has a lactose intolerant dog, goats milk or vegan milk works too (check the vegan has no macadamia nuts).
A drop of unsalted chicken stock might work well too. Once he's got into the habit of drinking you might be able to reduce the amount of whatever you put in till there's none at all.
Oo- the delights of bone broth! Any old bone: boil up then remove from liquid. Discard bone. Then cool broth. The smell is indescribable! And it goes right the way through the house. But they love it. :eek:
I am having the exact same issue with my dog, he will not drink water. I tried the different bowls etc and nothing works. Thought I would try some milk from the pet shop and he was straight in and drunk the bowl dry.
I'm currently diluting the milk 50/50 with water and he is still drinking it. If I mix too much water then it gets left. I hope you find a cure to the drinking as I would love to try it.
Sally would never drink water out of a bowl she preferred a running tap and would jump into the bath and turn the tap on to get a drink:)
Sally would never drink water out of a bowl she preferred a running tap and would jump into the bath and turn the tap on to get a drink:)

Wow, smart dog! I think you can get dog/cat water stations that pump the water continuously round so they can drink it running (that's the water running, not the dog...).
Well after a couple of days of adding just a dash of milk enough to turn it white he's drinking well. Just when you think you know your dog lol !!!
Great news that you managed to get Bruce drinking! I'm going to try the same and see if it works, if not I'll try the running water ideas haha.
Is your water quite chlorinated or hard? Depending where you live, collecting rain water might be another option.
Is your water quite chlorinated or hard? Depending where you live, collecting rain water might be another option.
It's not hard because we don't get much limescale doesn't taste particularly chlorinated either