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Doberman puppy with white flakes in fur and itchy areas


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hi all,

I have never posted on here before but thought I would give it a shot. I have an 11 week old puppy named Mindy who has got white flakes that have developed throughout her fur. From what I have read it seems like Doberman puppies are prone to dry skin and this condition, does anyone have any experience of this? If so what do you do.? I am concerned as she constantly nibbles at her back legs/ hind area, she has recently been wormed so I know this is not the issue.

Any help or advice anyone could offer would be gratefully received!

Hello MrsSwan, it could be a few things but maybe diet related?

Usually the skin is affected most by diet issues as it is the largest organ. Perhaps you could gradually change onto a more natural diet? there are plenty to choose from and everyone will have their own opinion, but I feed Natural Dog Food Company which is 100% natural dry complete food. It also goes well with raw.
Thanks very much for this reply. You may well be right but unfortunately at the moment she has a bout of diarrhoea and is on antibiotics. Once she is fully fit I will try the natural dog company.

Thanks again.
I would get her checked to be could be anything , especially her being so young

a really good food is millies wolf heart..great if your dog has allergies or intolerences..

If you vet checks the dog over and she dosent have a flea allergy or mite..try adding coconut oil to her needs to be raw and unprocessed and you need to start of a little bit and then build up...goodle cocnut oil for dogs..its fab stuff tha we have had fantasic results with x
Thank you so much for this, got her checked by the vets today and it's just going to be something we monitor. I think it is looking more likely that she has an allergy, also had to have her anal glands emptied (which was rather unpleasant) so we are hoping that this will make life a bit better for her.
If you decide to change food (whatever you choose) do it gradually over a few days, pups can be extra sensitive to change.

Also give it time, you may have similar symptoms but it will take time for anything not so good to leave the system.