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Could any of your member's advise me please!

I have a small crossbred, her name is Mouse and she has got Distemper. We took her to the nearest Vet here last wednesday. All he could tell me was 'she has the plague' [we live in china] and can't speak chinese. The only way we no that she has got Distemper is that it's written on the 2 boxes of injection's he gave for her. She has lost alot of weight, and fall's over when she tries to walk. It is so distressing to see her like this. A Doctor at the local hospital inject's her for us, as the Vet is an 8 hour drive away! She can't have a drip, as they can't find a vein. It's madness here, no proper care at all for animal's. We are at our wit's end as we don't no what to do for the best. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
Tanya Docwra said:
have you tried putting a search on the net?
Thank's for your reply Tanya, We have looked up Distemper on the net, but what we really wanted to know is 'how long do we treat Mouse for' and is there anything else we could do for her? What are her chance's of getting through this terrible illness. On the 'Net' it says dogs with Distemper have runny mucky eyes and nose, Mouse has only a dry nose, but as i said she's so weak. We have to give her water to drink[we put it in a syringe] Also she sleep's most of the time, eating is a huge problem. Do you think putting some 'chicken soup' in a syringe and giving her that might help build her up? We are so worried, and as i've said where we live in this part of China is so remote, and we only know one person that speaks english! and that person is away as it's chinese new year [The year of the dog] We would love to hear any other ideas. Thank's.
Hi Bella, sorry to hear about your little Mouse :( I don't have any advice I'm afraid. Hopefully someone else on here may be able to help? Best of luck for little Mouse :luck:
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LasVegasNo1 said:
Hi Bella, sorry to hear about your little Mouse :( I don't have any advice I'm afraid. Hopefully someone else on here may be able to help? Best of luck for little Mouse :luck:
Thankyou, Mouse took 20ml of chicken soup today [in the syringe] and also 40ml of water. Not much to have through the day, but at least we managed to get something into her, so there's Still Hope! The Doctor also came to our home to inject her, as she was to poorly to go to him. She's now sleeping again, but sends her thank's to you for your concern.
why not contact the rspca in this country and ask what they recommend? online info is available? iv had no dealings with distemper so i cant give you any advice im afraid, had a problem with a horse and just trailed the net over and over again gaining more and more info. is there not a welfare charity that could help you find and english speaking person? good luck :luck:
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Bella said:
Thankyou, Mouse took 20ml of chicken soup today [in the syringe] and also 40ml of water. Not much to have through the day, but at least we managed to get something into her, so there's Still Hope! The Doctor also came to our home to inject her, as she was to poorly to go to him. She's now sleeping again, but sends her thank's to you for your concern.
That's good, at least she wants to eat :huggles: Maybe like Tanya says try and contact an animal charity?

i'm sorry to hear about you poor dog,

the is a homopathic medicine out there called VI-PRO PLUS which people have used to fight distemper in dogs, which apparently has quite a good success rate. if u search for it on the internet i'm sure u will find lots of info on it and decide whether or not it could help your dog.

i wish u all the best and hope your dog gets well soon.

hope this helps.

im really sorry about is some info...but its not very positive im afraid :(


The disease is called "Canine Distemper" and the responsible organism is the Canine Distemper Virus. The disease is spread from dog to dog either by direct contact or by transmission through the air over short distances. Due to a very effective vaccination programme in the UK, Distemper is now pretty rare but still exists in reservoirs of infection, especially in cities, where there are larger populations of unvaccinated dogs.

What are the clinical signs of infection?

Well, Distemper may present suddenly or may build up to full clinical signs. Your vet would be able to tell you that your dog had a high temperature.

The more common initial signs would be dullness, lack of appetite and possibly vomiting or diarrhoea (perhaps yellow diarrhoea spotted with blood).

Most victims will develop a cough - this cough is difficult to treat and often gets worse rather than better as many dogs will get a bacterial infection on top of the Distemper Virus Infection.

Sneezing and pus-like discharge from the nose are not uncommon and it is not unheard of for sufferers to go on to develop pneumonia.

The nose can become dry (probably why many people become concerned, un-necessarily, about their healthy dog having a dry nose).

Inflammation around the eyes is often seen in the form of conjunctivitis.

Later in the course of the disease the pads of the feet may become hard and begin to crack (hence the other name for Distemper, which is "Hard Pad"

Some dogs appear to recover from the disease but as much as nine months later can begin having fits or begin twitching... some dogs may become paralysed, something from which they rarely recover. Related to these nervous episodes, some dogs may lose control of their hind limbs or become incontinent for both urine and faeces.

How do we diagnose the disease?

Definitive diagnosis is very difficult, it relies on specialised blood sampling, and is also very expensive because of this. We diagnose mainly on the presence of the combination of clinical signs.

Is there a treatment?

Well, no, not really! We try our best to support these dogs with TLC and will treat the clinical signs symptomatically. Secondary bacterial infections (such as those described above in the throat) can be treated with antibiotics but antibiotics have no effect on the Canine Distemper Virus itself. The fits are controlled not unlike with epilepsy. The disease is often long and drawn out and the patient may not survive. Prevention is better than cure and far easier - hence we advise vaccination.
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I did have a litter with distemper some 30+ years ago, the pups did not have runny eyes or nose, but did have a fever, they were given treatment (tablets) for couple of weeks. Chicken soup -stock- made by cooking chicken carcases (bones) for a long time is an excellent advice. If she can take it give also some of the meat, chopped into very tiny pieces or finely minced but remove all the skin and skim off the fat. :luck:
Seraphina said:
I did have a litter with distemper some 30+ years ago, the pups did not have runny eyes or nose, but did have a fever, they were given treatment (tablets) for couple of weeks.  Chicken soup -stock- made by cooking chicken carcases (bones) for a long time is an excellent advice.  If she can take it give also some of the meat, chopped into very tiny pieces or finely minced  but remove all the skin and skim off the fat. :luck:
It is with great sadness that i have to tell you all that our little 'Mouse' was put to sleep tonight.

For the last 4 day's we have had to tube feed her, 2 day's ago her back leg's became paralysed. I phoned a Vet in the Channel Islands and she advised us to stop now. I knew it was the best thing to do for her, but i never gave up hope that by some miracle she would pull through.

We do not know how we will cope without her, she was 'our baby'

Thank you all for your help and advice, you were all a great help to us.
I am so sorry to hear about poor little Mouse. It is a truly awful disease and it must have been a very difficult few days for you all. :( :(

Glad she is at peace now. :huggles:
im very sorry to hear that , i hope you find comfort in the friends you have made on here. sorry again
So sorry Bella. Try to take a little comfort from the fact that you did all you could, and what was ultimately the hardest decision for you was best for her. One day you will look back and smile at all the happy times you spent together.

Sleep peacefully little Mouse.
It is with great sadness that i have to tell you all that our little 'Mouse' was put to sleep tonight.

For the last 4 day's we have had to tube feed her, 2 day's ago her back leg's became paralysed. I phoned a Vet in the Channel Islands and she advised us to stop now. I knew it was the best thing to do for her, but i never gave up hope that by some miracle she would pull through.

We do not know how we will cope without her, she was 'our baby'

Thank you all for your help and advice, you were all a great help to us.

sorry to hear your sad news , you did all you could
Hi Bella

I've only just come across this thread, so sorry I missed it before - not that I had any better advice for you than everyone else.

Just wanted to say how sorry I am that you lost "Mouse" - you did all you could for her, and she is lucky that you were brave enough to put a stop to her suffering.

Our best wishes to you