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Disgusting Habit!

You have my sympathies. :( Two of mine can search out dog poo a mile off and it's not only disgusting but highly dangerous, which I have found out to my cost. Don't know whether cat poo carries the same risks but mine don't bother with that at all (or my cats do their business elsewhere!) Mine wear muzzles when they go out even if it is only their short last walk of the night, I cant say it stops them completely (they just squash their muzzles into it :x ) but it does slow them down long enough for me to yell at them or drag them off. I don't have a problem in the garden because they are never let in there for toileting unless I am there armed with poo bags. For the garden it sounds as though you'll have to muzzle them (presumably they will even dig up the poo!) and for the house, a covered litter. Good luck! :luck:
Cat food is very high in protein, the other thing is dogs also benefit from high protein feeds and both animals will excrete excess. Additionally elderly dogs waste is particularly attractive because they tend to use less protein.Now I'm not for a second suggesting everyone changes their dogs feed, for one it could compromise their health. But I think it goes some way in explaining why it's such a common habit and it also says to me that the dogs doing it aren't being grossly overfed either, which is also beneficial to a long health. :thumbsup:

This is why the term ''recycling'' is used by some to describe the habit.
That's interesting. 3 of my 4 cats are fairly elderly now, so perhaps they aren't digesting well and that makes the end product more desirable. I might be more philosophical (and since they are my cats I know they are healthy and wormed regularly) if it didn't make Grace's breath so totally revolting :x She is quite keen on rabbit droppings too, but sometimes that doesn't have quite the same disgust factor.
this topic has made me chuckle (w00t) Maia is a great poo eater, I regularly have to race her to the cats litter tray if I hear one of the cats using it, luckily the cats, who have the run of the house overnight when the whippies are in our bed, usually do their business overnight so I have to make sure I am the 1st one up in the morning. Maia also loves Molly's poo (she has never eaten Macey's and they are all fed the same raw diet) and has been know to eat it straight from the source so to speak (i'm sure you all get the picture, very embarassing in the park though LOL)

I was chatting to a lady with a cairn terrier today who was telling me her dog found some human poo yesterday in the park (she is a care worker so knows exactly what human poo smell like) he had it all over his face and stuck between his teeth, understandably she was totally disgusted and told me she took him home and scrubbed his teeth with a toothbrush..... I didnt like to ask who's brush :lol: :lol:

dogs are disgusting critters aren't they ;) ;)