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Diet Linked With Epilepsy?

Bewyched by Whippets.

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Please help.

I have a beautiful 9mth old whippet Dog called Willow, who I have fed a very varied home made diet. He has grown well and has a beautiful shiney coat. Then out of the blue a few weeks ago, on the way back from a walk he had a bizzare change of behaviour, barking, frothing at the mouth, appearing to be terrified. luckily he was on a lead or he would have bolted. It lasted approx 10 minutes then he was back to normal. Two days latter, again on the way back from a walk it happend again. This time it did not pass. struggled to get him home and into his crate where he lost consciousness. It was terrifying. He is now on medication and we are waiting to see how he goes.

In discussion with the vet she suggested that willow may be lacking somthing in his diet and she suggested feeding him on Hills science plan, (the brand they sell). WHAT SHOULD I DO i hate the thought of feeding him that stuff, but if it's better for hm. I feel guilty that his diet may have contributed to his condition.

Edited to add:

Sorry, I meant to post this in the Whippet section. I haven't posted before. :blink:
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Bewyched by Whippets. said:
:sorcerer: Please help.

I have a beautiful 9mth old whippet Dog called Willow, who I have fed a very varied home made diet. He has grown well and has a beautiful shiney coat. Then out of the blue a few weeks ago, on the way back from a walk he had a bizzare change of behaviour, barking, frothing at the mouth, appearing to be terrified. luckily he was on a lead or he would have bolted. It lasted approx 10 minutes then he was back to normal. Two days latter, again on the way back from a walk it happend again. This time it did not pass. struggled to get him home and into his crate where he lost consciousness. It was terrifying. He is now on medication and we are waiting to see how he goes.

In discussion with the vet she  suggested that willow may be lacking somthing in his diet and she suggested feeding him on Hills science plan, (the brand they sell). WHAT SHOULD I DO i hate the thought of feeding him that stuff, but if it's better for hm. I feel guilty that his diet may have contributed to his condition.

Edited to add:

Sorry, I meant to post this in the Whippet section. I haven't posted before.  :blink:

Hi, sorry i cannot offer any help on this matter, but im sure someone will be along to guide you, just a thought though, do these changes of behaviour happen in any one place, dont go feeling any guilt, you wasnt to know, if indeed it is willows diet causing him problems

good luck with your dog, and welcome to k9

So sorry to hear that your dog is having seizures. On this link the suggestion is that the preservatives in manufactured food could have a link with epilepsy and suggests that you switch to the BARF diet!!

I think you need to know more before you switch from a diet that you have been happy with, so don't be swayed by your vet if your instincts tell you to stick with it.

Good luck with Willow :luck:

This site seems to be full of information which might be useful to you.
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aww! poor you and willow i hope you get it sorted sorry i cant offer any advice but good luck and welcome to the forum :thumbsup:

Helpful people are


They will have all the up-to-date info regarding feeding and epilepsy.

Many years ago I had a severely epileptic whippet but diet was never mentioned in her seizure control. She was fed on a very good quality dried food. I would have tried 'barf' if it had been on the go back then. I certainly didn't notice any connection between what she ate and her seizures but maybe research has found some new therapies.

Good luck :thumbsup:
I had a Cocker Spaniel with epilepsy and we fed a low protien diet.

There are many things that can trigger a fit for instance flea spray or spot on and food colourings and additives.

I fed my dog on the nature diet lite and he did well on it as its quite natural.

The canine epilepsy people are great really helped us.

Good luck with your boy, could he possibly be coming into contact with something on his walk?
Thank you every one for your help.

I'm not convinced feeding Hills is the answer. Perhaps I'll try dried food from the Natural Food Company for Willows breakfast ( it sounds as if there is nothing in it to upset him), and carry on cooking his evening meal. :thumbsup: