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Dr Becker recommends canned pumpkin AKA pumpkin puree', plus ground turkey, as the go-to bland diet for dogs with upset GI tracts.

Pumpkin: The Bowel-Soothing Food for GI Upsets and Diarrhea

pumpkin is soothing & filling - for a dog whose appetite is off & belly is upset, i warm it slightly in the microwave to enhance its sniffability.

QUOTE from Dr Becker, above link:
"Why I Recommend Pumpkin Over Rice as the Foundation of a Bland Diet
Canned pumpkin (100%) provides about 80 calories and 7 grams of soluble fiber per cup, vs 1.2 grams of fiber in a cup of cooked white rice. Pumpkin is especially rich in soluble fiber, which dissolves in water to form a viscous gel, which also coats and soothes irritated bowels. Soluble fiber delays gastric emptying, slowing down GI-transit times - & the number of episodes of diarrhea.
When animals have diarrhea, they can lose important electrolytes, including potassium, which puts them at risk of dehydration. Hypokalemia, or low potassium levels, can result in cramping, fatigue, weakness, and heart rate irregularities. Pumpkin happens to be an excellent source of potassium, with 505 milligrams of naturally occurring potassium per cup.
Pumpkin is also safer for diabetic patients. Unlike rice, which is a grain, and will ultimately break down into sugar, pumpkin extracts may actually restore beta cell function – beta cells are the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. [6]
Rice is a bland source of fiber, but in my opinion, isn't the most species-appropriate choice for a recovery diet for omnivores (dogs) or carnivores (cats)... feeding pets a pro-inflammatory food when they're already having GI-upset seems counter-intuitive to me. Additionally, the FDA has issued a potential warning about arsenic loads in white rice. [7]
I have many new client visits that occur when a pet's diarrhea was supposed to clear up with a local vet's Tx, but didn't. I've had many people tell me that although the stools were slightly improved on a homemade diet of cooked rice and hamburger, the rice would often pass whole into the stool, giving rise to the question of how much digestion and absorption of this carbohydrate was actually taking place.

Ground Turkey vs. Ground Beef: The Battle of the Burgers
My reason for recommending turkey is simple: hamburger has more fat, which can worsen GI upset, and boiling ground beef doesn't substantially decrease the fat content."

hope this helps :)
- terry
because of the ingredients
Yes, but I was hoping you might be able to be more specific - like which ingredients in the science plan are better than other foods for firming up poo. You see, I don't really have a high opinion of science plan so I am genuinely curious why you might recommend it in favour of other foods (either dog food or the usual recommendations of pumpkin, bland white meat and rice).
Yes, but I was hoping you might be able to be more specific - like which ingredients in the science plan are better than other foods for firming up poo. You see, I don't really have a high opinion of science plan so I am genuinely curious why you might recommend it in favour of other foods (either dog food or the usual recommendations of pumpkin, bland white meat and rice).
Okay, some Hills science is grain free and this could help with loose poo, i understand that you don't like Hill science but it is worth a try, and i would recommend it in my old career as well as Royal Canine but i dislike Royal Canine for personal reasons.

This may help- How to Alleviate Your Dog's Diarrhea in 24 Hours - Mary Vance, NC
Okay, some Hills science is grain free

Okay, perhaps then it might have been more helpful then to suggest a grain free product rather than just "Hills Science Plan" as many of the Hills products do include grains, including maize which is a bit of a red flag ingredient.
Okay, perhaps then it might have been more helpful then to suggest a grain free product rather than just "Hills Science Plan" as many of the Hills products do include grains, including maize which is a bit of a red flag ingredient.
Okay but I'm only voicing my opinion. I did do a corse in dog nutrition and I am only recommending to a person who needs our help so i helped them. In my old career was I wrong by giving a grain-free dog a hypoallergenic Hills science food? It improved her stomach upset/loose stools.
Okay but I'm only voicing my opinion. I did do a corse in dog nutrition and I am only recommending to a person who needs our help so i helped them. In my old career was I wrong by giving a grain-free dog a hypoallergenic Hills science food? It improved her stomach upset/loose stools.
My point is you were unclear, you didn't recommend grain free originally; you recommended Hills. That made your post unclear and therefore your advice inaccurate.
My point is you were unclear, you didn't recommend grain free originally; you recommended Hills. That made your post unclear and therefore your advice inaccurate.
Okay....:mad: i put what i wanted to put... Science hills Grain Free

No need for the angry face icon. You meant grain free, you said Hills Science Plan before you edited it - if you post something that is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or just plain wrong, of course people will challenge it because nobody wants the forum to contain poor information; either for the person who has posed the question or anyone reading it in future.
No need for the angry face icon. You meant grain free, you said Hills Science Plan before you edited it - if you post something that is inaccurate, misleading, incomplete or just plain wrong, of course people will challenge it because nobody wants the forum to contain poor information; either for the person who has posed the question or anyone reading it in future.
Okay, I'm sorry for the angry face icon but it feels like your trying to get at me... I'm sorry i didn't put 'grain free'
Okay, I'm sorry for the angry face icon but it feels like your trying to get at me... I'm sorry i didn't put 'grain free'
No need to apologise, but maybe just think about what you are writing and re-read it before posting to make sure it is complete, reflects what you are actually trying to say, and above all is correct.
No need to apologise, but maybe just think about what you are writing and re-read it before posting to make sure it is complete, reflects what you are actually trying to say, and above all is correct.
Okay will do.
Sorry, didn't mean to cause a disagreement!!
so vet went okay, she said that it is probably just inflammation of the small intestine and gave her an anti-inflammatory and some pro-biotic paste. She's still not good today, she's never had this problem for this long, usually clears up in about 12-24 hours. The vet suggested chicken and rice and gradually bring back her normal food.
I asked if it could be diet related and I said she was on Harrington's hypoallergenic which she said was a fairly good food. But keep an eye on things and if they occur more frequently then it might be a good idea to do food intolerance/allergy tests.
Sorry, didn't mean to cause a disagreement!!
so vet went okay, she said that it is probably just inflammation of the small intestine and gave her an anti-inflammatory and some pro-biotic paste. She's still not good today, she's never had this problem for this long, usually clears up in about 12-24 hours. The vet suggested chicken and rice and gradually bring back her normal food.
I asked if it could be diet related and I said she was on Harrington's hypoallergenic which she said was a fairly good food. But keep an eye on things and if they occur more frequently then it might be a good idea to do food intolerance/allergy tests.
if you feed too much grain free food it can cause stomach upstets / loose stools
No she hasn't, she's good, she doesn't go for the bin, even when it's overfilled! She's still not good. Although the vet did say it can take up to two weeks to get better :(
On the plus side she loves the pro-biotic paste!
No she hasn't, she's good, she doesn't go for the bin, even when it's overfilled! She's still not good. Although the vet did say it can take up to two weeks to get better :(
On the plus side she loves the pro-biotic paste!
Good thing that she loves the paste :) 2 weeks isn't too bad...