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Devastation In The Village I Live In

Just seen this, I'm so glad you're okay :sweating:

How awful for you all :(
OMG,just seen this,what a dreadful shock for you & everyone else in the village :(

sooooo glad you're all ok,& i'll also be thinking of you tonight :huggles:
OMG, how absolutely awful. I am gflad you are all OK. Especially the poor dogs, they do not understand what has happened, and will need extra cuddles and reassurance. :huggles:
OMG poor you Janis, how awful it must had been,glad you and your family are ok,very sorry about the chap who loss his very young life :(

:huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
What a shock Janis.Glad you and yours are OK. Sleep well all :huggles:
omg janis i didnt realise it was near you,glad to hear none of you was hurt,i can imagine how traumatic it must have been for you all.

hope youve managed some sleep
What a nightmare, its one of those things you see on the news and

dont expext to live glad your all ok.

Poor driver :(
Just seen this thread :(

Hope you managed a little sleep....I am sure the driver was in your thoughts.

Thank goodness no one else was hurt.

Be gentle with yourself, because shock is a funny thing and can hit you at a later may be delayed because you went into a help mode.

Sending you heaps of slow release hugs to you and yours :huggles:
Just seen this thread....Im so glad you and your family are ok. :huggles:

Best Wishes

so glad you are all ok , so sad about the man who lost his life :(

it could have been much worse but thats no consolation for the mans family :(

what a terrible shock , hope you are all coping :huggles:
Did get a little sleep but woke up several times during the night half expecting to hear something... :(

Crime investigators are all here now and are checking the whole of the street, road is still closed and the houses are all to be checked for structural damage.

Flowers have been laid at the scene this morning too.

This was all that remained of the vehicle.... :( Taken at 1.25 pm yesterday ...

the acetylene tank that didnt explode is to the far left of the picture on the edge of the road...

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It looks like the lorry took the main blast. :( I'm surprised and relieved for you all that it didn't do so much more damage to surrounding properties...although it's hard to tell from a photo.

That poor driver.....and his family. :( What an awful thing to happen. I'm just relieved there were no more casualties. It'll take a while for you all to get over this I'm sure. Well done Janis for making all those cups of tea. What a star you are :thumbsup:
What an absolutely terrifying thing to happen Janis - good on ya for supplying the boys and girls who came to deal with the aftermath with those cuppas ....I'm sure it helped them deal with the grisley task in front of them.

It feels awful to be thinking 'that could've been so much worse' when for one man and his family it's as bad as it gets - all my warmest thoughts for you and the rest of your village x
so shocked and saddened to read this post :eek: , I cant imagene how terrfiying it must of been for you, and your village. :(

and of course so sad for the poor man who lost his life, and his family.

My thoughts and best wishes to you all :huggles: :huggles:
i got goose bumps reading this, i cannot begin to imagine what you are going through such a shock, well done for supplying cups of tea, unfortunately we dont realise how hard all the services work until we see it first hand.sending you lots of :huggles:
:huggles: Thinking of you, Janis :huggles: What a terrifying thing to happen.
Think its finally hit home today what happened.... I have had to have a lie down...and my head is thumping. The dogs have been a little subdued - I think they know something is going on

On a brighter side..... all the street is now being cleared and all windows boarded up by our local Council for now until Insurance hs it all sorted. :)

Im sure things will return to normal eventually... whatever 'normal' is supposed to be...

thanks again everyone for the well wishes... I hope I can return to the forum with some brighter news. :huggles:
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I've just seen this Janis. :( Glad to hear you're all ok but what a horrible experience. :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
what a terrible accident, you just never know the minute. I'm so glad you and everyone else are ok, damaged buildings can be repaired, I heard it on the news but didn't realise it was on your doorstep, literally.

It'll take a good while to get over it, sending lots of :huggles: to you all, Julie
How awful and frightening! do they know how it actually happened? poor fellow in the van though, its sad for his family. You are right firecrews and police do deserve a medal. Four years ago a fighter jet crashed in my village. Would have hit the school had the brave pilots not gave their life and diverted it out of the centre of the village. Was horrible day for every one and the army had to stay for well over a month to make sure everything was safe, plus to find any remains on the pilots. :(