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Deneside Belle

Colin has just got back from the vets with Andrew (i`m stuck at work worrying ) however the vet is very optpmistic that he wiil not need further surgery as it already seems to be healing well, the main thing is to keep it clean so he will become very familiar with the vets as he needs the dressing changed every day ( unless i can pluck up the courage to do it myself )

The vet said that he has just treated a greyhound with the same injury and it has mended very well, so fingers crossed.

Thankyou to everyone for your posts and phone calls about Andrew (he is a very popular boy ) it is so nice to know others are thinking of him xxxx to everyone from Andrew.
Colin has just got back from the vets with Andrew (i`m stuck at work worrying ) however the vet is very optpmistic that he wiil not need further surgery as it already seems to be healing well, the main thing is to keep it clean so he will become very familiar with the vets as he needs the dressing changed every day ( unless i can pluck up the courage to do it myself )The vet said that he has just treated a greyhound with the same injury and it has mended very well, so fingers crossed.

Thankyou to everyone for your posts and phone calls about Andrew (he is a very popular boy ) it is so nice to know others are thinking of him xxxx to everyone from Andrew.
:thumbsup: Good to hear he's doing well Alison. I'm sure everyone has their fingers' crossed for you! :luck: :wub:
Glad to hear Andrew is doing well Alison, our Kes did something similar but never did his ligaments. After several bandages changes all healed well and he has no lasting effects :thumbsup:
Glad to hear Andrew is doing well Alison, our Kes did something similar but never did his ligaments. After several bandages changes all healed well and he has no lasting effects :thumbsup:
Colin has just got back from the vets with Andrew (i`m stuck at work worrying ) however the vet is very optpmistic that he wiil not need further surgery as it already seems to be healing well, the main thing is to keep it clean so he will become very familiar with the vets as he needs the dressing changed every day ( unless i can pluck up the courage to do it myself )The vet said that he has just treated a greyhound with the same injury and it has mended very well, so fingers crossed.

Thankyou to everyone for your posts and phone calls about Andrew (he is a very popular boy ) it is so nice to know others are thinking of him xxxx to everyone from Andrew.

So many calls... that's why the answering machine is always on (w00t) Glad Andrew is on the mend!! Horrible reading about the poor lad yesterday! Lionel sends his dad a big lick!!

Glad to read Andrew is doing well and hopefully wont need further surgery :luck: and hope the healing goes well :thumbsup:
Better news for both of you let hope of more of it
Great news Alison :thumbsup: just what you both needed. :thumbsup:
Fingers crossed then Alison :thumbsup:
Really pleased that things are looking promising! :luck: :luck: :luck:

Whilst Andrew has got nothing to proove, I'm sorry he's retired but sincerely wish him a long and happy one with plenty of girlfriends! :thumbsup:

Love Jac xxx