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Deneside Belle


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I say speedy recovery it certainly isn't going to be that, its going to be a long job of constant treatment with further surgery down the line. Andrew got his foot down the back corner of his kickboard and the trap door and his was completey de-gloved from the hock down and 3 severed tendons in the back of the foot. A huge thank you to vet Paul Evans who dropped everything (he was on a family day out with the grandkids) and met Colin and myself at his surgery, it was a long painstaking 3 hours cleaning the wound of bits of grass etc re-attaching tendons and stitching up the front of the leg which looked pretty good when he'd done although the back of the leg has been left open as the wound needs to be flushed out every couple of days and redressed he used a good old remedy of sugar in the wound which will ferment and fizz out any crap once this has done the vet can start the repairs. It was a real eye opener to watch Paul at work though don't think I could have watched had it been one of my own dogs its a good thing Colin is so laid back, Alison must have been going through hell back at the track.

Andrew is a strong fit lad and he'll get through it. the boy still finished his race in on the lure

Would just like to point out that this accident was not caused through any fault with the traps at A/T they are one of the best sets of traps around and are allways kept in good repair, it was caused through a simple oversight as Andrews board was allready in the trap from the previous race it just wasn't puhed back far enough. Ive seen similar happen elsewhere over the years fortunately not as bad an outcome as this so pleae be carefull double check and make sure there are no gaps round the sides or back of your boards

Hope Colin and Alison don't mind me putting all this on I'm sure they won't but I think it only fair to exonerate the club and its equipment from any blame They have a great team at A/T and are keen on safety, Jacs a whizz kid with her first aid box

Best of luck Andrew :luck:
Get well soon big lad. Hope you make a full recovery :luck:
Sounds awful poor lad. Hope he makes a speedy recovery. xx
:( So sorry to read of this accident and wish Andrew a good recovery. One things' for sure, he'll get the best of attention. Good luck with him Colin and Alison. :luck: :wub:
Such a great dog hope he's soon better for you colin & Alison
I will update on Andrew after we have seen our own vet tomorrow, thanks Linda I couldn't have explained it as good as you have, also a massive for taking him to the vets with Colin we will never be able to repay you for your kindness, also thankyou to everyone at A&T for their help especially Jackie for swift first aid work, and to everyone who contributed to collection thankyou all very much, as most know I was a total wreck, I know it was a freak accident but it still doesn't stop you blaming yourself, I still get upset just thinking about it and so soon after loosing his mother Floss.

As Linda has already said it is going to be a long job, but we still have him and that's all that matters.
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I wish Andrew a great recovery from his injury and may he have a long and happy retirement. There are so many of us that have a huge soft spot for this big lad who was right at the top of his game when we started racing. He couldnt have better owners to care for him. No one has anything to reproach themseves for, accidents happen, we know this only too well.

Get well soon Andrew :luck: :luck:
get well ANDREW you are in the best hands possible all the best colin and alison.
I will update on Andrew after we have seen our own vet tomorrow, thanks Linda I couldn't have explained it as good as you have, also a massive for taking him to the vets with Colin we will never be able to repay you for your kindness, also thankyou to everyone at A&T for their help especially Jackie for swift first aid work, and to everyone who contributed to collection thankyou all very much, as most know I was a total wreck, I know it was a freak accident but it still doesn't stop you blaming yourself, I still get upset just thinking about it and so soon after loosing his mother Floss.As Linda has already said it is going to be a long job, but we still have him and that's all that matters.
So very sorry,Alison.Like Marie says,there's alot of us,love your big handsome fella(not you Colin :lol: )Don't beat yourself up,there's a few of us would love to turn the clock back of late,and unfortunately we can't.I've heard my fair share of 'accidents happen'but thats not gonna stop you feeling guilty.Lord knows don't think i'll ever be able to give a dog a gallop again,but I know that sometimes no matter what we do an accident can and will happen. You and Colin need to pick your chins up off the floor,and do the fantastic job that we know your gonna do in getting Andrew right,and then start practising running for cover when you get him back trackside.He's always had his fair share of fuss from us all,just think how much fuss he's gonna get now (w00t) :lol: Ok he'll never go back in a trap again,but I know you are just happy you've got the big fella there with you.Give him a big cuddle from me,and however long it takes to sort his leg out,we'll all be waiting to give him the fuss he deserves :thumbsup:
Sorry to hear about Andrew he couldn't be in better hands

Hoping for a speedy recovery
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As everyone has said, Andrew has a big 'family' who love him to bits and we will all be waiting with open arms to give him his cuddles. I know that he will get the best of everything from you Alison and Colin, I wish him a full recovery (we know this won't be a speedy one).

We all know that accidents can happen at anytime and anywhere, please don't go beating yourself up over this. :luck: Good luck Andrew xxx
poor lad.... but he couldnt be in better hands speedy recovery andy :luck:
so sorry to read about andrew :( wishing him a full recovery. we know how much it hurts when your dog gets badly injured racing and like you we are just thankful we still have her, we know andrew will get the best possible care from you. sending you all :huggles:

elaine and sally
tell you what Alison he can FART :x for England I'm glad it was Colin that was down that end :lol:
Sorry to hear about Andrew, hope he is soon on the mend :luck:
thinking of you both !!Andrew will get the best care possible good luck with him