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Dalmation Pup Killed - Barnsley

it scares me when i see what people are capable of,

we've not evolved as much as we like to think from the apes
OMG I'm lost for words

RIP Dalmation puppy.

I can only hope that if this dog was stolen their owners never find out what happened to it, it would be unbearable.
:rant: :rant: I WOULD LOVE TO GET MY HANDS ON THE B____DS :rant:

THAT DONE THIS :rant: :rant:
its only in recent years they have found that cruelty to animals, eneurisis (bed wetting)and arson or fire starting are all red flags that can signal a future psychopath.taken all together theres a pretty good chance that a kid who exhibits all of these signs will be psycotic and theres a high chance they will be a killer.animal cruelty signifies lack of empathy with a victim.its often thought of being a 'rehearsal' for future cruelties involving humans.tbh ive had this on my mind since i saw it yesterday.this involved premeditated cruelty.taking the puppy,getting a rope,climbing up a tree and throwing the rope over all the time knowing what was going to happen.i wonder if the puppy licked the hands of its killer as they put the rope round his neck.if i could get my hands on them.............. :angry: :rant:
This is just so horrific to contemplate, I feel angry enough, ...cannot begin to think how I'd feel had it been my dog.

Think the reward offered by the Sun may bring culprit/s to light.

Note from the updated story he did have an id chip...wonder why it was'nt found, as in the original press release it stated he had no form of identity? Is it like the police informing the family in the event of a tragic accident first before releasing the name? Genuine enquiry - anybody know?
It appears that two youths have been arrested an 18 year old and a 19 year old.

According to the Sun newspaper "SPOT the dalmatian was probably hanged in a sick new twist on “happy slapping”, cops said yesterday".

If true I can think of many, many people who would like to happy slap this pair repeatedly.
Yes the two are now in police custody but will be released soon on bail.

This pair of Bastards will get what they deserve as there are some very burley blokes just waiting their chance. A couple of hard men scrap dealers have also had a reward out on them.

The police and RSPCA found more nooses in the area so this poor dog may not have been the first.

The pup was stolen from very near us and the owners and their son are inconsolable.


I hope these ba*****s get what they deserve. :rant: :rant: :rant:

RIP poor Spot.
WHY do these morons get a kick out of it :rant: :rant: :rant: . I purposely didnt read the original clip cos it upsets me so , :( but i got a good idea from all your comments :(

Thank goodness they have caught the B :rant: :rant: ds who did it . and lets hope they get whats coming to them :rant:
im sure we can rely on these animal loving scrap dealers to dish out what they deserve cos theres one thing for sure,the law wont! :angry: :rant:
I hope they got a bloody good belting for it, I know i would have difficulty holding back, they should name and shame the little shites :rant:

the flipping law will just ban them from owning animals, SO WHAT!! they didn't own the dog they killed.
What kind of world are we living in today?

To do this to a defenceless animal?

If it were one of mine i would be demented & i know for sure most certainly banged up for what i would do to those 2 cos trust me i'd hunt them down.

They dont just deserve a slap, they deserve to suffer the same pain that poor pup did.

Thats me not gonna sleep again tonight!



P.S And Francis if you are reading this YES i'm crying too!!!
They really need to be named and shamed with photos posted round their area. Unfortunately the law wont do anything lets hope they are educated by local people.
Assault on animal should be considered by the law as seriously (almost) as assault on a person, if for no other reason that people who do this to a dog are very likely to also assault people. That has been shown to be the case in a study done somewhere, i think in the USA. This argument needs to be put to the politicians; unless these young people are dealt with early they will progress to harming people. Start lobbying your local politicians and writing to the newspapers.
Max&Smokey said:
They really need to be named and shamed with photos posted round their area. Unfortunately the law wont do anything lets hope they are educated by local people.

I totally agree. The LAW????

The LAW is useless, the police dont give a damn & even if caught these SCUM get a slap on the wrist & a paid bloody holiday somewhere cos they have had a "bad" upbringinging!!

When it comes to animals, whether stolen, abused or killed its bottom of the list i'm afraid, i've learnt that the hard way, when my 2 dogs were stolen from my car the police thought it a huge joke & couldn't understand why i was in such a state all they were interested in was the criminal damage to my car. I couldn't of cared less whether the car was in a thousand peices.

Their advice ?? ................ We see it every day dogs stolen, killed, sold on, dont worry go buy another dog BUT put a claim in for the damage on your vehicle.

Says it all really doesn't it, how little is a life worth against criminal damage??

Think you can see where their priorities lie :(
