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Dalmation Pup Killed - Barnsley

oh god,how awful :( i hope they catch the B*****DS :rant: :rant: :angry: :angry: poor boy for finding him :(
That is a very distressing picture :( These people need to be caught and strung up them selves.
:rant: :rant: Evil B@$t@rd$!!!!!! :rant: :rant:

:rant: Give me five minutes with them and a noose and see how they feel..... :rant:

Poor dog RIP
AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

i hope to god these evil, mentally retarded, vicious little freaks get their comeuppance. the parents must know who they are. no one of sound mind could do something so malicious. what is going on with society, that we breed such monsters? HANGING is too good for THEM, i wouldnt waste the rope :rant:
That is just AWFUL :( poor poor pup and poor boy who found him
sick, evil b*stards !!!

it is far too easy for these sicko's to get hold of not just dogs but cats, and other animals as well , they are all fair game to them and there are loads more nice cheap torture victims just waiting in the free ad papers,

SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE as said before child killers mostly started on animals.
OMG :'( What is the human race coming to?It's just getting fuller of sick ,evil ba****ds :rant:

Why,oh why can't this bloody manbypamby government get their act together to finally put a stop to the vermin who do this,and other dreadful attrocities,before it's too late ???? :rant: :rant: :rant:

Punishments to fit the crimes,that's what i say! :rant:
:( :( Sickens me to the hilt this sort of thing - what evil creatures are out there :rant: :rant: :rant:
OMG I just knew I shouldn't have looked at that :( :( :(

I have the same oppinion as everyone else :angry: :rant: :rant: :rant:
:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

Beyond words :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Absolutely sickening. :rant: :rant: :rant:

It's frightening to think these pyschopaths are free and living amongst the community.

I hope the evil, sick cretins who done this are caught before they turn their

attention to small children as their victims.

What the hell is going on in their warped little brain.
:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: Evil, sick B*******s
thats awful.but the worst one i ever saw was when i did fundraising for an animal charity,a little mongrel pup that was found hanged by the neck and beforehe had died some scumbags had used him for target practice with a crossbow.he was full of bolts when he was found. :( its hard to find words to describe how i feel when i see things like this.disgust,horror,heartbreak,anger, all of these and more.i think also i feel that im ashamed too.ashamed to be part of the human race that can produce fellow humans who can enjoy doing things like makes me feel like im part of a different species to them. i dont feel that id have anything in common with humans like this. :( poor dog,rest in peace.may justice come to his murderers :angry:
What has happened to that pup is totally awful! :( Such a distressing photo. I hope the heartless b******s rot in hell for what they have done! They should be hung themselves! :rant: :rant:
beyond words :( , would say laws in this country are far to soft, but there doesnt appear to be any for people that do things like this, the laws are only there for these people to get away with it.