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Crufts Results


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I loved the Flatcoat that won the Gundog group and also the Welsh Springer who got Group 2. My other favourite was the English Setter.

What did the rest of you think.

Good luck to everyone exhibiting. Especially the whippets on Saturday :D
Hi Judy

I thought the Welsh Springer was a cracker realy well presented and just looked the part!
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I wanted the Welsh Springer to win he was a cracker, but my neighbours will be happy they show flat coated retreviers.. :)
I think it is a good line up so far for best in show and all the dogs are black/grey or have this colour in thier coats!! sorry all you blondes out there :D
Hi Shane

I don't think the Greyhound deserved to to the hound group, I thought the Whippet (obviously) was a nice example and the Saluki was a real stunner that moved realy well.
Like you the Whippet would have been my first choice or the saluki, but it was nice to see a greyhound up there.
I ALWAYS favour the whippet (no matter what shape or colour) to win, but I did like the greyhound though, and was glad he won if the whippet couldn't. I also liked the way he jumped up at his owner at the end of the hound group judging. I like to see owners making a fuss of their dogs after they've done well - so many don't bother.

I didn't like the Peke that won today - I think they're a monstrosity (did I spell that right Barbara?). The poor thing was gasping for breath after doing a circle of the ring. The short stout man with the Newfoundland looked like he might have a heart attack too - did anyone else notice?
Thought the peke was gross.....liked the greyhound(biased) but the retriever,kerry blue and the newfoundland were far nicer lookin than the peke......cant help but think it only got supreme out of sympathy cos it was always the bridesmaid!!!!!!!!!!
Years ago (about 45) my Mum "volunteered" me to look after a peke while it's owner was ill.

Did I feel good about taking it out for a "waddle" :D ? However like Beejay says what characters. It had no nerves about meeting up with any other dog of any size & would play for hours. Apart from the odd snuffle it didn't seem to have major breathing problems & wasn't as coated as the modern one's seem to be. It's eye's stayed in all the time too at least when I had charge of it. Could it be another case of the fancy "improving" a breed into freaks. I liked the flat coat myself!! I wish they'ed stop these coated breed handlers bringing a brush into the ring with 'em. If they can't get 'em right on the bench tough they've too much coat.
June & Vicky

I think you are a bit harsh about the little fluffy thing? it would make a great lure :)
My eyes nearly fell out when I saw the Newfie handlers stomach, how did he get round the ring without dropping dead. :0 As you said he was jerking the dog up all the time.

I thought it could go almost any way apart from the Peke, I know what they are like but I felt it was a sympathy vote. Perhaps the Ozmillion Yorkshire terrier will get it next year, talk about consistancy.
The Peke was a 'done deal'. The powers that be would have known it was retiring and as Crufts was the only thing it hadn't won ........... need I say more.

On a less sceptical note though my Mum has always had Pekes and if their eyes are bulging it is incorrect. They are plucky little dogs thought and give as good as they get from the Whippets. Her first one who was a big white handsome dog would come out quite happily on the common for an hour's exercise with my lot. Just because the dog was panting at Crufts doesn't mean to say it can't keep going, it just means it's bloody hot under all that coat in the spotlights!!!!!

The thing I think is disgraceful is that at least one BOB on every day did not make the Group. What sort of a shambles are the KC running here. It is bad enough when it happens at general ch shows but at CRUFTS ............. C'mon.
The thing I think is disgraceful is that at least one BOB on every day did not make the Group. What sort of a shambles are the KC running here. It is bad enough when it happens at general ch shows but at CRUFTS ............. C'mon.
Hi dessie, I fully agree with you regarding them not waiting for all the BOB's to finish. all the money, time and effort the owners have taken to get there to miss out on their chance of glory :( DISCUSTING

Can you enagine that happening in racing? sorry but we want to run the Supream now so we wont wait for the heavyweight group winner to run? :0

But The Kennel Club has a monopoly on dog registrations ect so untill thats changed The KC Club wont ;)
I cannot believe what I'm reading here - they did the Best in Show BEFORE all the groups were finished?

Or they did Best in Group BEFORE all the breeds were finished?

Either way that is inexcusable ! At the world's most famous dog show - you may not get to go in for your group even though you were a Best of Breed winner? I would be putting on a real turn if I were one of those Best of Breed winners.

I think I can safely say that would never happen in Australia.
Precisely, Aslan, I don't think you would find it ANYWHERE else but good old arrogant England run by the good old arrogant Kennel Club.

The stupid thing is that we put up with it!!!
I've got a feeling that I read a while ago that the scheduling of the group and BIS judging is really tight because of Crufts being shown TV. I suppose the Kennel Club have a contract with the BBC and the TV schedule takes prescedence over the dog show :(

It must be really awful to have gotten through the breed judging and then miss the Group. Even worse to win the group and miss BIS. For a lot of the winners it would be their once in a life time chance to win BIS at Crufts and then to have that chance snatched away must be so upsetting.
A Group winner couldn't miss BIS even the KC wouldn't allow that!! But even if the KC have a contract with the BBC (and the Groups are not shown live anyway) it is still a travesty that BOBs are allowed to miss the Group at any show let alone Crufts. It is all down to bad time management and, as exhibitors, we shouldn't be putting up with it. I know if it happened to me the Kennel Club would never hear the last of it.
I think it's about time the Kennel Club was took to task and the monopoly ended.
Surely it is the stewards / judges in the breed rings who are responsible for missing BIG. The judges going slow and or the stewards not keeping an eye on the clock.

The other side is that where scheduling of more than one breed in a ring can cause delays that are impossible to predict.

Does anyone know the 'recommended' speed for judging a dog? Is it no more than 3 mins per dog? so a clas of 15 should take no more than 45mins??

Hi Guys,

I am shocked ??? that a big show like Crufts can get away with it :angry: , especially with all the overseas exhibitors. What if one of them also missed out (bad for business). I hope people complain :angry: .

Debra :D :p